ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1

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High school is great. You get to hang out with your friends...and actually, that's it. That's where all the good comes to a halt. Especially now as my thoughts of making a break for freedom are crushed as the teacher's pet reminds her that she forgot to collect homework.

"Mrs. Seo, isn't the homework assignment due today?" Hongjoong asked, peering through his glasses.

The class erupted into a chorus of groans. We had all been hoping that she would have totally forgotten and that we'd have an extra day at least. I sulked in my seat, crossing my arms and sending daggers to the back of Hongjoong's head.

The guy was a complete nerd. He got the highest grades, always managed to stay on the teachers' good sides, was always asked to do tasks for the staff, and so on. All of the school workers loved him, but I can't say as much for the students in his classes.

As the teacher walked around, collecting papers, I sat in my seat and dreading the moment she'd reach me. I had lost my assignment in the hallway as I had been trying to squeeze my way past everyone to class. There was no way I was going to do all of the homework again so I silently prayed for a miracle.

I watched as Hongjoong handed the teacher not one, but two papers. Frowning, I figured he was probably just trying to get extra credit. I rolled my eyes and stared out the window, waiting for the moment I'd have to confess that I lost my assignment and that I'd have to do it all over again.

Soon a shadow fell over my desk and I looked up, biting my lip. Just as I was about to open my mouth to explain that I didn't have my assignment, she shushed me and spoke up herself with a smile.

"Don't worry about your assignment. Hongjoong found it in the hallway after you had dropped it on your way to class," she explained, motioning towards the said boy. My gaze shifted to the boy who was stacking his books, picking them up to head outside of the room.

I clenched my fist under my desk, "Oh, thanks for telling me." I faked a smile, turning back to her until she walked away. I collected my things, filled with rage—that boy really was perfect wasn't he? I envied him for his high grades (he never received anything less than an A+), he was good with the teachers, he was class president, he was nice to everyone he encountered, and on top of that, he even had a small friend group of two other nerds.

What annoyed me most though was the fact that during class, students hated the guy but out in the hallways you'd hear the girls murmur how cute or attractive he was. Like what the heck? Do you hate or love the guy?

Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I approached my locker. I placed my books inside and closed it, turning only to be completely startled. Hongjoong was standing right next to me with a sweet smile on his face. I mentally facepalmed.

"Oh. Hongjoong," I stated flatly.

He gave a small chuckle, "Yeah, hi. Look, I noticed that your cousin and friend weren't here today. Are they alright?"

I started walking down the hall to the cafeteria for lunch, "Yeah, they're just on a short trip right now. Wooyoung's grandmother is moving here this week and they needed an extra hand in packing her stuff so Yeosang went with him."

"Oh, that sounds kind of fun actually—moving to a new place and all," he tucked his hands in his pockets, "I guess that means you'll be sitting alone then. Do you want to sit with me?"

I wanted to say a flat out "no" but that wouldn't have been polite and as much as I despised the guy, I still wanted to at least appear civil with him. Shaking my head, I answered, "It's fine, I can find another table to sit at."

I set my tray down and sat across from Hongjoong with a disappointed sigh. "There wasn't any room at the other tables," I muttered.

Hongjoong grinned, setting down his chopsticks, "Well let me introduce you to my friends then! This is Seonghwa and Yunho." He motioned to the other two males at the table who gave smiles and small waves.

Seonghwa, the one with black hair, spoke first, "You're Yeona, right?"

Nodding silently,  I picked up my chopsticks and took a bite.

Yunho rested his chin on his hand thoughtfully, "Aren't you and Wooyoung's birthdays super close?"

I raised an eyebrow, swallowing, "Yeah. Why do you ask?"

Seonghwa gave a look of surprise, "Oh, isn't that pretty soon? Just a month?"

I gave them yet another questionable look, "Yeah and why are you bringing it up?"

Realizing why they brought it up, I wanted to smack myself in the face. Of course, they were curious. It was such an obvious reason too. People are born colorblind and grow up without seeing color until their eighteenth birthday. Once you turn eighteen and you see your "soulmate" you begin to see color. If you ask me, the whole thing is weird and stupid but that's just how the world works.

On my next birthday, I turn eighteen and I'm very curious to see if any of my childhood friends are my soulmate. That's that part I've always (and only) found interesting—you can grow up beside someone your whole life not knowing they're your soulmate until you turn eighteen. Of course, they don't know unless you tell them if their birthday is after yours.

"Nevermind," I muttered, taking another bite.

Yunho nudged Hongjoong, "Your birthday is in two weeks, Hyung. I wonder who she'll be."

Hongjoong laughed awkwardly, "Ah, I'm a bit nervous," he admitted, "But I'm sure she'll be a lovely girl."

"Who reads a lot of books," Seonghwa chirped in, "And gets her coffee to go."

"Plays the piano elegantly in front of hundreds," Yunho also piped up, "But plays the electric guitar when she's alone."

Hongjoong's eyes went wide, "Shhh, stop, stop! We'll just find out who the girl is and what she's like after my birthday." He stuffed some food in his mouth and gave them a nervous look.

I sent them a few odd glances before shrugging and resuming my lunch. They were very strange, to say the least. It was a good thing that Yeosang and Wooyoung would be back tomorrow. 

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