ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7

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Mom called us into the kitchen, telling us that dinner was done. We all froze in our battle. It had been such a blur that I realized who I was currently battling. I had been pinned next to the couch with Hongjoong as my assailant. The two of us stared at each other, my cheeks warming slightly from our closeness.

"Why don't you all come and get something to eat?" Mom called again from the kitchen. In unison, we all stood and entered the kitchen. I still couldn't believe that Yeosang had invited them over and that they were staying for dinner. Hopefully, it wouldn't turn into a regular thing.

After dinner, I escaped to the kitchen to wash the dishes. I'd rather be doing that than hanging around Hongjoong. I vigorously scrubbed the dishes, complaining about everything and anything that had to do with him. It was worse now that my parents had met him and liked him. Even if Yeosang didn't invite him back, my parents would.

"Would you like some help?" Hongjoong sided up next to me, already beginning to put on the extra set of gloves. What was the point in asking if he was going to anyway?

"Sure I guess," I avoided looking over at him.

"Dinner was really nice," he began, "I appreciate your family's hospitality."

"We have Wooyoung over all the time so we're used to having people over," I replied.

"You two are really close, aren't you?"

I merely hummed a response, focusing on the dishes.

"Did you open your package?" he inquired, glancing over at me. "It was heavier than I expected."

"No, not—" I froze. Did he say it was heavier than he expected? I turned to him, "Did you carry it inside?"

He nodded, "It was starting to rain so I asked Yeosang if it was okay that I left it in your room earlier. I think you were still asleep."

"You put it in my room?" I managed to squeak, not believing my ears. I thought it had been Yeosang or Wooyoung. But no, it was Hongjoong and he had been in my room. Did I need to disinfect it now?

"I was only in there for a second if you're concerned," Hongjoong spoke up, sensing my uneasiness. "I didn't want to intrude on your privacy for too long."

"Thanks, I guess," I muttered, resuming the dishes. Scrubbing them quickly, I wanted to finish the task before I spent too much longer around him. I had to hold back a scoff, remembering that Mom suggested he help me study or tutor me. Whatever it was that she thought would be helpful.

As if she read my mind, Mom entered the kitchen and told me to take Hongjoong upstairs to my desk so he could help me make a study outline. I reluctantly tore off my gloves, washed my hands, and led him up to my room. This was the worst day of my life. I had wanted to go home so bad earlier and now all I wanted to do was escape it. I didn't even have my room to myself anymore.

I opened the door and took a seat at my desk, crossing my arms, "Do what you need to do, I guess. My grades are fine so I don't know what my mom wants you to do about them."

Hongjoong chuckled, standing beside me and observing my layout, "Then why don't we do something you want to do instead?"

That wasn't what I expected.

Furrowing my brows, I sat up straight, "What?"

"Do you want to start your new project?" he motioned to the box. "It sounds like it might be fun."

The Hongjoong I knew would be helping me make a study planner, oblivious to my hatred for him. This was not the Hongjoong I knew. This one was going against my mother's plans.

"What are you doing?" I stared at him.

He shook his head, "I just want to see how you start a new project. I don't use study plans anyway so I wouldn't be much help anyway."

An odd feeling began to swell inside me.

"You..." I tried to figure out what was going on. "You seem different."

He grinned, "We aren't at school."

"What, do you wear a facade?"

Shrugging, he leaned against my desk, "I do what I need to do when I need to. If that means being a nerd at school then so be it."

I blinked, "So do you cheat or are you actually smart?"

A melodious laugh escaped his lips. For some reason, I found myself drawn in by it. I despised Hongjoong but there were parts of him that maybe...I didn't mind.

"Of course, I study properly and am honest with my grades," his eyes shone, "I just mean that I'm not what everyone thinks I am. I'm not just a teacher's pet. I think that if you gave me a chance outside of school, you might like me."

I contemplated. This really was a different side of Hongjoong, I had to admit that much. I also didn't mind this side of him. He was beginning to be fun and I realized that maybe what I said earlier wasn't entirely appropriate. Perhaps he was only "Mr. Perfect" at school to keep a good social standing because he was expected to.

"What?" he asked, tilting his head.

I shook myself, "Oh nothing. Did you want to take a look inside the box?"

He nodded excitedly and helped me cut open the package. I explained to him what each piece was for and we sorted them into piles of like parts. He listened intently and helped out where he could. The project couldn't be finished in any short amount of time but we did get some accomplished.

After a while, there was a knock on the open bedroom door. Yunho leaned inside and smiled shyly, "I think we're leaving soon, Hyung."

"Ah, okay. I'll be down in just a minute then," Hongjong replied, watching Yunho leave.

My stomach dropped. I was disappointed, but why? I did have a nice time with Hongjoong. I guess he was easier to like when we were both doing something we enjoyed. The time had gone by much faster than I expected. Tomorrow, I'd see him again but would I still enjoy being around him like I had for the past hour?

"I'll see you tomorrow then," he smiled softly.

"Yeah," was all I could muster.

I watched as he stood up and stepped out into the hallway, heading downstairs. Jumping up and following, I called for him, "Hey, wait—"

We both came around my doorway at the same time, making me take a surprised step backward. Hongjoong gently took my arm, keeping me where I was — close.

"Yes?" he looked me in the eyes. A shiver went up my spine, one that shouldn't have.

"I just..." I looked away, trying to think of the words. "I just wanted to say that I might like to try and be friends."

Hongjoong beamed, "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Yeona."

Colors ♡ Kim HongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now