Chapter 6

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Next Day after Bidding an emotional Goodbye to Dwarka we Started our Journey towards our new Life,towards my home Indraprastha.

After some Hours

We were half way towards the city of Indrapratha.. I had already sent the messenger the previous night to the palace to make necessary arrangements for welcoming my new Bride. Hopfully He might have reached by now.

Unlike other Princess who preferred Palki, Subhadra was sitting next to me in the chariot.

I engaged her in small conversations, but she was still very emotional...So to distract her I decided to play the sport that she loved.

"Priye you have changed a lot..... I don't recall you being so mellow or sad.. My Ruchi was always very Playfull, Full of life... Darring even.." I teased.

"I am still the Same, I am just missing my Family!" She retorted.

" are not the same, You have become too shy...My Ruchi was a Daredevil..always Looking for a new Challenges!" I Provoked her further and smirked seeing the same reaction on her face.

"For your kind Information kumar, I can face  any challenges." She fumed.

Seeing her expressions, I soo wanted to laugh and pinch her cheeks, She had the power to bring out the child in me and be like her, just like the free spirit that she was.

"Really !! So I can Challenge you na... and mind you!, you can't backout now, Hmmm...Lets see how Daring you are!" I further proposed.

"Yeah.. ready to Loose My Vijay!...I cannot be easily defeated!!" She added

"From where I recall you yourself named me Vijay..because I am always Victorious...seems like you need a refresher... I challenge you to race me towards the Palace, Do you accept ?" I asked, knowing she would readily accept this it, Since she used to love horse ridding.

"I accept!" She agreed Confirming my thoughts and started removing all her jewells, and I was awstruck again seeing her natural beauty

"But Rajkumari, you cannot remove your is your Grihapravesh" Her maid contradicted.

"Let her be Dasi... My Darling wife do not require Ornaments to define her Beauty... She is naturally Beautiful...." I interjected and was rewarded by her lovely blush. I asked my sevak to make the arrangements for our ride.



"Are you fine Panchali? You seem distracted since the announcement.. you can share anything with me... If you are uncomfortable with the arrival of subhadra.. I'll Convey this message to Arjun and Vasudev .. I know he would surely consider your feelings and find a way out...I belive Arjun can easily build a new Palace for them on the outskirts of the city" Arya Yudishtir said.

After the messenger conveyed the news of union of Arya Arjun with Princess Subhadra and also of their subsequent arrival today, the Whole city of Indraprastha were rejoicing, eager to welcome their beloved Prince and his new bride. Arya Nakul and Sahadev were themselves Looking after the decorations, Arya Bheem was himself making all the delicacies without taking any help from the dasis... Saying " My Subhadra Loves my handmade Food!" Everyone were in their own world making arrangements to welcome their prince.

But my Heart was filled with insecurities. After our marriage Arya Arjun had confided in me of his Love towards the Dwarka Princess..and had asked me if I would accept her in my Life when he would get married to her, at that time too, he was so sure of himself and of his love. He had believed he would someday marry her.. and today he had made his dream come true.

At that time I had given him my approval, Since his every action depicted his need for her presence.
He had never asked me of anything,  even went to exile for all these years in the name to follow our marriage protocol.. eventhough it was my mistake.. since I had kept his bow in my chamber, as I was fasinated by it... I can never forgive myself for that mistake.

"Its okay Arya... I always knew Arya Arjun Loved Subhadra very much...  all these years I have prepared myself for this moment and I know I cannot bear the curse of separating him from his Love. If I separate them, I know He would drift aparat from me too" I replied.

"Thankyou Panchali, I would be forever indebted towards you..You are truly the core of our Family Holding us five together." He said.

But I knew this new phase would surely change our Family Dynamics.

- xxxxxxx-

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