Chapter 14

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The first ray of sun fell on my wife.....but she stubornly kept her eyes closed and cudled closer in my embrace seeking warmth from the chilled morning air.

She is so precious ...I was unable to resist but to affectionately kiss her on her forhead...she smiled and opened her eyes..

"Happy Birthday Darling" I hugged her even closer to me.

"Thank you Vijay" She mumbled in her still sleepy voice...making me laugh..

" some enthusiasm its your Birthday" I tickled her making her shriek and  laugh bringing her out from her dreamland.

"Stop! Stop...please stop..." she laughed.

I gave in..and took a moment to look at her..thank you Mahadev for giving her to me...
I Caressed her face, her hair....her smile.. I saw my life in her eyes...

"Why are you watching me like this...Don't look at me like this...." she blushed a rosy shade of pink...

"I am watching my life in your eyes...My Universe.." I confessed truthfully and took her in my embrace.

"You are my Life..My love..My everything...There is no Subhadra without her Arjun" She said simply making my chest bloom with love.

"But where is my gift ??? I won't leave you that easily..." she pouted cutely....Hey Mahadev this girl would be death of me!!!

"I thought my Love is enough for you...Did'nt knew you are this materialistic!!!!" I Teased her... and she hit by bicep playfully and getting hurt in process

"Ok Ok...don't hit your poor husband....and be carefull with my wife's hand..come first get ready and I'll show you your gift.."I conceded kissing her knuckles.
After getting bath together I made her sit by the dressing table and blindfolded her eyes..

S : Vijay what are you doing... I want to get my eyes.

A: Today I would do your keep Quite.

Arjun made all her ornaments with flowers..knowing she loves hand made gifts which are close to nature and flowers were her favourite.
Lovingly he made her wear each ornament..subhadra too felt something was different..something was special.
Finally when he removed her blindfold subhadra was stunned..the woman in front of her was completly different...

A: so say you like it?? you are making me nervous..

S: I love it...I am I feel content, Cherished in your Love.

A: Its just the begening...Many more suprises are waiting for you..come lets do our pooja..all are waiting for us..

Together they went to the palace temple and did the pooja along with other family members..subhadra took the blessings from Mahadev and her brothers

Y: Happy Birthday sister...May you be blessed with aboundance of joy...This our gift..

Yudhishtir and Draupadi gifted her a rare jewellary set.

S: Thank you Bhrata, Maharani but its unnecessary..your well wishes matter more than such gifts..but thank you for this gesture.

B: Many Happy returns to my kidoo, My laddoo...may your life be filled with loads of happiness and if you feel otherwise come to me and I would ensure you get everything you desire...But today I gift you this bracelet...It has protective keeps away negative vibes wear it daily...

Subhadra was touched with his gesture...tears flowed from her eyes...she was overwhelmed by his love...she simply hugged him.

N: Bhrata Bheem you are making her cry on her special day...come here subhu... I want you to meet someone special..and I hope you two would make a fine pair....and relax Bhrata Arjun...Its not the way you are thinking...

Nakul teased Arjun seeing a change his easy it was to rile him up he thought..but was secretly pleased to see finally his brother was happy, content.

A: It better be brother.. for your sake!!

S: Vijay stop are embarrassing me....Bhrata Nakul lets go...

A: What ! I am telling the truth..

Then they went to the royal stables..

N: My dear Birthday girl I gift you my most prized horse...My Pratap..whom I have personally trained for you...I hope you would take a good care of he would be loyal to you always..

Subhadra strokes Pratap's cheeks and he too follow her touch...both communicate with each other with their emotions..

S: I love him Bhrata...thank you so much...

A: Truly!  Nakul Pratap is special...Now I am never give me such special gifts..

S: What mine is yours need to scold my Bhrata Nakul..

Sahdev: ohhh Bhrata enough of your can continue it later...subhu come

They go to his personal treasury...

Sahadev: To my favourite sister I gift my Late mother's Payal..I hope you would like it... my mother always wished for a daughter..but her that wish remained incomplete..but when I think of my thoughts always goes  towards you..we five brothers always wanted to have a sister of our own..and when you came in our life you filled that void..we got our sister in you...but bhrata Arjun must continue his search!!!

Sahdev joked making everyone laugh...

S: Thank you Bhrata!!!! It means alot to me...I loved all your gifts and more importantly thankfull for your blessings...Thank you so much...

Subhadra was truly touched by their thoughtfull gifts and blessings...It brought happy tears to her eyes..

A: But My gift is still pending!!


What would Be Arjun's suprise gift????

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