When I See You Again

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The scene shifted back to a normal house. I was sitting on the ground that was now a lush, velvet carpet. The man came and placed a hand on my cold, wet back and tried to console me.

"You died on the eve of your birthday. Yet you knew you were going to die, also you were only worried about the other boy. I suppose you earned to know how I got here, just know it isn't a great memory." I stood up and walked to the back of the room as he took center stage in the middle of the foie. The room morphs into an elegant restaurant that lies at the heart of a five star hotel in Washington D.C. It looked like he was at a benefit, the scene was so familiar. He was dressed in a suit with his brown hair slicked back and his green eyes complemented his dates dress so perfectly. They were both tan and she looked gorgeous wearing a navy blue gown. They were both laughing and dancing and then she left to go to the bathroom; he moved to sit down at their table. It was then I realized why this scene seemed so familiar, it was a benefit my parents were attending it was my 14th birthday so they brought me with them. I saw myself dressed up in a light cyan dress and talking with my best friend at our table. The scene then moved to the outside of the hotel where the man and his date were arguing.

"Who did you come here with, me or that bastard?" The man yelled.

"I'm sorry it was never intended to happen this way I was going to end it. Please Noah you have to believe me." The girl was now in tears. Behind her another man came into view. Noah saw him and his eyes became crazed.

"What are you doing here? Leave you've done enough damage here!" Noah yelled at the blonde man trying to hug his girlfriend. She turned to him and tried to urge him to go away but he wouldn't budge.

"Look man sorry you had to find out this way but we are in love." The blonde man said trying to kiss the girl.

"Hey get off of her!" Noah walked over to the man and pushed him. This was the start of a fight at the back of this hotel. Punches were thrown and the girl had moved towards the wall and she was crying and yelling for them to stop. Both Noah and the other were equally beaten and bruised but they continued. The two elegantly dressed men now looked like nothing but dirt. In midst of the fighting the other man reached into his pocket. They were both moving so quickly I don't think Noah noticed that the other man had pulled out a pocket knife. The man moved quickly and slashed at Noah and was successful in hitting an artery. On Noah's wrist there was a vertical cut and it was now simple for him to bleed out. Noah continued to fight until he realized what happened. The other man saw his opportunity and knocked Noah out and then ran off. There he was lying on the ground unconscious and his girlfriend leaning over him holding his bleeding hand and doing anything to try and make it stop. She was hysterical and was yelling for help. Soon the ambulances came and told the women there was little they could do because they got there too late and because he had been cut in that certain place he was loosing blood rapidly. When they sent him to the hospital they also noticed the man had stabbed at him in many other places whilst attempting to maim him. It wasn't long before Noah couldn't hold onto life much longer. The scene had ended and the original house was visible once more. Noah, as I now knew what his name was, was lying on the ground with several stab wounds and blood all over him. I walked over to him and he opened his eyes and stood up. We walked in silence out of the house and into Purgatories park. We sat on a bench and I dried up and the stabs on Noah were gone.

"So scandal landed you here."

"Yes, I was stupid enough to trust that someone wouldn't back-stabbed me and in the end I was the one who got stabbed."

"That benefit that you were at I was-"

"There, yes I know. I'm surprised you haven't questioned why I keep making comments on your thoughts."

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