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On Tuesday, Sunghoon enters the school and walks to his locker.

But he stops when he sees Jungwon nearby.  He was alone and reading something in a notebook, or writing?  Sunghoon then approaches him. "Hey"  He greets him then Jungwon raises his head towards him.  "Hm.. hi" He said, looking bored.  "What are you doing?"  Sunghoon asks and remarks that he was drawing.  "Nothing interesting.." He says and sighs.  Why is he so bored?

Sunghoon looks at the face of the youngest who was still injured.  "What happened to your cheek?"  He asks seeing the scratch.  "It's nothing too" Jungwon said and lifted his head, stopping scribbling.  "If you say so. Do you look.. tired?"  Sunghoon asks, being insecure.  "Sort of."  Jungwon says and closes his notebook.  "I don't know what to do. I have twenty long minutes to do nothing."  He says, disappointed.

"Don't you have.. your friends?"  Sunghoon asks with little to mention them.  "They're all busy.. pfft I'm  worth nothing."  Jungwon talks and plays with his notebook.  Sunghoon frowns.  "Why are you saying that? It's not true."  He says but the younger one shakes his head.  "I'm serious. I have nothing to do but work and be mean. I'm sick of it" He said with a frown.

"Stop it. Try to aim for something else right? What do you want to do?"  Sunghoon asks, wanting to help him.  Jungwon looks at him with no particular expression.  "Nothing."  He simply says.  Sunghoon starts to think that he will end up talking about committing suicide, the way he talks.  He really doesn't want this to happen, someone with such a cute face and hardworking like him doesn't deserve this.

"You know what I do all day? I always get mean talk to, even when I'm not around. Besides getting beaten up.. Nobody really likes me. I wish that  stop."  Jungwon says and continues looking at his notebook, playing with it.  Sunghoon thought about what he said then placed his hand on his shoulder.  "Hey, that can change. Don't think there's nothing you can do."  He says.

"I don't know" Jungwon says then notices two people coming, pointing out to Sunghoon as well.  He then pushes him to act mean.  "Ya! Jungwon how many times do I have to tell you!?"  Jay says then grabs his shoulders, squeezing them tightly.  Jake has removed Sunghoon.  "What's that?"  Jay says taking the notebook.  "Don't touch!"  Jungwon says and tries to take it away but can't.

Jay opens it with one hand, keeping his other arm on the other so he doesn't run away.  "Drawings. Bad" Jay says and throws him to the floor.  "Now you will stop to bother Sunghoon and let go of us!"  He says and violently grabs his neck.  Jungwon frowns trying to breathe well.  He places his hands on those of the oldest.  "You understood!?"  Jay asks, frustrated.

Jungwon shakes his head so the grip on his neck is stronger.  "Jay hyung! Stop, you'll kill him!"  Sunghoon orders and quickly moves away from Jake to pull Jay.  "Stop it!!"  He said removing his hands from his neck.  "Are you serious!? I wasn't going to kill him!"  Jay says angrily.  Jungwon falls to the ground, kneeling and coughing.  Sunghoon takes the older man's shoulders to get him away from Jungwon.

"I think that's enough! You're hurting him when he didn't do anything! It's too much!"  Sunghoon speaks angry.  Jay frowns.  "Which side are you on?"  He then asks.  "Leave." Sunghoon says then Jake walks away first, bringing Jay.  He didn't want to at first but he finally left.  Sunghoon looks at Jungwon on the ground.  He kneels in front of him.  "Are you okay?"  He asks and the younger nods.

"Yeah. You didn't have to."  Jungwon said raising his head, hand on his neck.  "I had to. It could have been worse. Come on" Sunghoon said before picking up the notebook and standing up.  He helps Jungwon get up too, who dared not look at him.  Sunghoon gives him his notebook.  "I have to go to my locker. So no one sees us."  Jungwon said before starting to walk.

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