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Percy is home alone since Paul and his mom decide to go out on a date when he hears a nock at the door. Percy goes to open it and sees Apollo.

"Hello Percy." He says happily and holds out a stuffed animal Hippocampus. "I got you this."

"Oh. Thank you Apollo. Come in i guess." Percys says taking it.

Apollo follows Percy inside. "Your mom and step dads not here?"

"They went out."

"Would you like to go out?" Apollo asks. "I can take you anywere you want to go."

"Anywhere?" He asks and Apollo nods. "Even... Greece?"

"Okay not anywhere. Greece is to dangerus for demigods." Apollo corrects himself.

Percy nods biting his lip. Unsure if he should even accept going anywhere with the god. Unsure if he shoild have let the god inside his apartment. He watches as the god walks around the apartment looking at old pictures of Percy.

"Actually um. I think staying here is alright. No were i really want to go." Percy says grinning trying to hide how nervouse he feel.

Apollo nods slowly. "Would you like me to stay?"

Percy shrugs. "I think im do for some me time. I mean. I did like. Just finish a quest and all."

"Okay. I understand. If you change your mind just pray to me." Apollo says and dissapears.

Percy takes a deep breath and goes to fall on the couch placing the stuffed animal on the table.

Apollo appears on mount Olympus a little annoyed. Wondering why its so difficult to get Percy to like him and want to be around him. Youd thinm being a god anyone would be honord to get any sort of attention. But of course Percy has to be diffrent.

"Apollo." Posidon says gettting the gods attention. "Can you tell me why you keep talking to my child?"

Apollo looks away from the other god. "Well you see. I want to. You know. Date him?"

Posidon glares at him. "And what you just want him to be a little plaything like any other mortal youve been with resently?" Posidon remebers when Apollo used to actually love people. But since those all ended badly Apollo seemed to care less and less.

"No! Its not like that. Percy is. Diffrent." Apollo says pretty sure hes actually diffrent.

Poseidon slowly walks up to him towering over him power rolling off him in waves. "You better stop trying to get with him. And if you don't stop. And you hurt him. I swear on the river of Styx I will make your existence like Tartarus."

Apollo nods quickly. "I. I dont want to. Hurt Percy. I swear."

Posidon walks away leaving Apollo a little shaken.

He tries to calm his nervs and starts to make his way to the sun palace, wondering what exactly it is he wants from Percy. I definitely like him. I want to be with him. This isnt some game he isnt some mortal. Can i say i love him? Why did i stop trying to love people? He stops thinking as he remembers Hycanth and Daphne. Right everyone i have loved i got killed. Will I get Percy killed?

Percy decides to do the logical thing and ires message Rachel. She works for Apollo so she must be able to tell him what to do with the god.

"Percy? Hey how are you?"

"Im alright. Just your boss keeps bothering me." Percy says rolling his eyes.

She looks at him a little confused. "Why is lord Apollo bothering you?"

"You call him lord?"

She shrugs. "Just seems like i should."

"Well I dont know why, just know that he is trying to get me to go out with him." Percy says a little frustrated.

She grimmicas a little. "Yikes. Well personally id say bad idea. But thats all up to you."

"I just mean. He is hot. Just. Hes kinda scary and I dont know know to say no. Or have a good reason and again. Hes scary."

Rachel laughs. "Hes not scary. I mean. I shouldnt bad talk him, but hes not the brightest-"

"Hes the sun god..."

She rolls her eyes. "Smartest-"

"Isnt he also the god of teaching."

"Percy. Hes made some poor choices and has anger issues, what god dosnt, but hes nothing to be scared of."

Percy nods. "I just dont know."

Rachel smiles. "Its ok Percy. Ill see you at camp okay?"

"Bye." He says and cuts the connection.

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