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Percy walks along with beach at camp half blood with Rachel and Grover. "The god came to me last night." Percy says glancing at the ocean, wondering if his dad can hear him.

"He did? Whatd he want? He didnt touch you did he?" Grover asks suddenly defensive.

"No. He gave me a stuffed animal. Said he was to excited to wait." Percy says tossing a shell into the water to see if he can skip it.

"Thats nice if him." Rachel says glancing at the sky.

Percy shrugs. "I dunno. Was kinda weird having him just appear in the middle of the night. Like dude. Privacy."

"Yeah that can be annoying." Rachel mumbles.

Grover rolls his eyes. "I wonder if hes like. Actually stalking you. Maybe you should talk to your dad? Get him to get the guy to leave you alone."

"And if Apollo dont like that? He said i can tell him to back off but. I dont even know if i want him to. Its. Its all so. Confusing. Like. Its nice to have him coming and trying to get my attention. But. I dont know." Percy sighs and chuck a rock at the water enjoying the satisfying splash. "Apollos an ass."

Apollo frowns. Whatd he just say?

"Apollo!" He hears his uncle yell. Oh shit. "What the fuck do you think your doing with my son!" Posidon says storming into the sun palace furius power coming from him.

"Wooing him?"

"I told you to leave him alone. Hes walking by the beach talking about you and he said hes scared of you." Posidon says deadly calm.

Apollo frowns. "I dont mean to scare him. Really I dont want to hurt him..."

"Just stay away from him. I dont want my only son to be a plant." Posidon snaps and walks away.

Apollo glares at Posidon. Hes not going to be turned into a plant and ill make him not scared of me. Ill show you.

Apollo appears to Percy as hes about to enter his apartment building. "Apollo? You ok?" Percy asks noticing Apollo seems a little mad. Did he listen in on my talking about him?

"Im fine Perseus."

Percy looks at him. "Perseus? And what should i call you Apollon? Or Phoebus?"

"You can call me what ever you like  Αγάπη μου."

Percy blushes and looks down. "Is there somthing you wanted?"

"Why are you scared of me?"

Percy quickly looks at him. "Why am i scared of you?" Percy repeats.

"I know that you are."

Percy frowns not wanting to upset the god who already seems a little mad. "Only if you swear on the river of styx that you wont hurt me."

Apollo frowns. "I swear on the rive of styx i will never hurt you. I dont want to hurt you Percy." He says softly.

Percy takes a deep breath. "Im scared of you because of your past. Youve. Killed people and turned them into plants."

"I dont want to do that to you Percy. I love you." Apollo says and is actually a little ahocked by that. And relizes yes. He does in fact love Percy.

Percy sighs. "Lets go talk inside." Percy turns to go into the building not wanting to attract any attention. His moms probably getting concerned.

Apollo follows him up to the apartment and inside.

"Mom im home." Percy calls. "Apollos with me."

Sally comes out of the kitchen. "Percy. And. Lord Apollo."

Apollo smiles. "Hello mrs. Jackson."

"Me and Apollo are going to go talk in my room." Percy says leading the god to his bedroom.

"Leave the door open." Paul calls.

Perct blushes lightly. "We are litteraly talking we are not dateing." Percy whines but leaves the door open any way.

"Not dateing yet!" Apollo says lightheartedly just to tease Percy.

Percy glares at him. "Apollo its not just me being scared of you as to why this is all so hard." He says and sits on the bed.

"Ok. What else is it then?" He asks crossing his arms.

"Well i mean.." Percy sighs reminding himself Apollo sworn not to hurt him. "Your a god youd probably get bored of me. And want to be with other people while we are dateing."

"Maybe ill get bored of you. But whos to say that dosnt happen with mortals as well? And im actually monogamous... the other gods tease me for it." Apollo sighs. "But i dont plan on getting bored of you any time soon. If you dont become immortal i plan to be with you tell you die naturally or want me to to leave."

"And thats the other thing. I dont wat to live forever, and see everyone die. And. And your. A god."

Apollo nods slowly. "That dosnt make this any less worth it. An internety or your life time. I think every second with you will count."

Percy looks down. "Well. That was all i had..."

"What can I do. To show you I mean it. That i wont hurt you. That I love you." Apollo asks pleadingly.

Percy sighs. "I dont know."

"One date. Come with me on one date. And maybe I can convince you." Apollo smiles enjoying his plan.

"Okay fine."

Apollo smirks. "Be sure to dress nice Perseus. And ill treat you as the prince i belive you are." Apollo winks and dissapears.

Percy stares at the spot the god was standing in wondering what he just agreed to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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