night drive

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hi guys im gonna try and write more, things have been busy and hard but i really really i hope you enjoy this!! 

ps this ones a bit sad so just a heads up <3

things have been hard, lately i've been feeling really depressed and unmotivated kurt had noticed and tried his best to comfort me in as many ways as he possibly could even if it was small. i didnt deserve someone as amazing and caring as him. today hit me like a brick to the face all i wanted to do was lay down and cry. i needed to let everything out. i pulled my car into the driveway, kurt was still practicing with the others. i unlocked the door and threw all my things on the floor. i didnt care i told myself id clean it up later. i walked upstairs to our bedroom and slipped into something more comfortable and washed my face. i plopped myself on the bed and a wave of emotions hit me and i just sat and cried i didnt know what to do with myself, i got lost in thought and the only thing i could do was curl up in a ball. i didnt even notice that kurt came home and he was sitting on the edge of the bed. "what are you doing" i sniffed. the words managed to fall out of my mouth.he didnt say anything and just moved closer to me and held me. i felt a warm soft feeling, i felt safe in his arms. my emotions started to cool down and i sank into his hug. "want to go for a drive?" he whispered in my ear. i nodded, got up and grabbed his sweater and threw it over me. we got into his car and he started driving off into the rural area. the sun was setting and it was a warm orange and pink. the windows were cracked open and the cool breeze kissed my face as i looked out the window. the soft music played in the background making me smile. in that moment all was lost and i felt at ease. i was with the love of my life doing something i loved doing. everything was perfect in the moment. kurt took my hand "i love you y/n i hate seeing you sad, i hope this made you feel a bit better" he spoke. my heart melted "i love you too kurt, thank you for all of this, you mean the world to me" he smiled and kissed my head. kurt drove us home and we pulled in the drive way and made our way inside. kurt went into the kitchen and got us some ice cream. we sat in the living room watching my favourite movie, talking and laughing. he held me in his arms the whole time and made sure i was okay.  he took our bowls and put them in the sink and made his way back to me. he played with my hair planting soft kisses on my neck as i melted into him and his comfort. loved him so so much. 

this was a little short but i hope you enjoyed it until next time loves <33

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