Chapter 1

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"One ticket to Hakuba please." I said in a confident tone as I made my way to the front of the ticket line.

The station wasn't horribly busy for departures in this moment, but there was a few people already in line when I had arrived. It was my own fault for not leaving sooner, but I was worried my parents would catch me in the act and try to stop me. I had to make sure when I left that I was able to do so swiftly and discretely.

"Do you have your identification card young lady?" The middle aged man at the counter asked.

"Yes of course." I said frantically fishing out my card from my pockets frantically.

My hands were shaky because I was so nervous and had no idea what roadblocks could get in my way. My parents always handled our transportation so I didn't know anything about buying a ticket. I handed it it to him and he looked over it. His eyes trailed back up to me to make sure it was valid for who I said I was. I flashed a small smile at the man before he went back to my card.

"What's your reason for traveling?" He asked.

"To visit my grandparents." I said softly.

"Have you got any additional traveling paperwork?" He asked sounding a little frustrated.

"Uhm no, I didn't think I needed anything else." I said starting to get worried. I never traveled alone, not even to school.

"There has been a lot of travel restrictions recently, I'm surprised you haven't heard that. How long will you be visiting?" He asked almost ignoring me.

"I'm not quite sure, my grandmother is ill so I was hoping to stay until she's in good health." I said and my hands were shaking in my pockets. "A few weeks at most."

"Where are your parents, they'll be traveling with you correct?" He asked and I grew anxious.

"They're busy with work so they aren't able to come with me." I said quickly lying.

"You're not 18 yet dear, I can't let you travel alone, especially not that far north. You don't have any travel permits at that." The guy said shaking his head as he tried to hand me back my card.

"I can pay please whatever you want, I'm not sure she has much time left." I pleaded with him as I pushed all my information back. "I'll be 18 in just a few days- before the train would even stop in Hakuba."

"You can't bribe me, where does a young woman like you get money to bribe-"

He looked down at my identification again and I saw him read it again. I bit my lip anxiously because this was not going as planned. I couldn't afford to be sent away, not now. I silently planned on snatching my ID back and making a run for it if he didn't ease up. I couldn't just run there but maybe I could bribe a salesmen or missionary.

"Your father is Kenji Oshira?" He asked and my heart sank because I had been completely screwed. Surely I'd be taken back right to my family and god only knows what punishments would be left for me.

"Yes but-"

"Your ticket will be 9000 yen, I take it you'll cause no trouble?" He asked and I was almost at a loss for words. I quickly handed him the money as he handed back my card.

"Of course not, thank you." I said smiling sincerely. "My grandma will be so thankful."

"I'll pray for her health." He said with a warm smile. "Tell your father I said hello when you return, he loaned my son money for his restaurant a year back."

"Absolutely, thank you sir so much for your help." I said taking the ticket from him.

"Safe travels." He said kindly and I quickly grabbed my bag before he said anything else.

Mountain of The Moons • Book 1Where stories live. Discover now