Chapter 3

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"Get your shoes on, the worker just announced we'd be stopping soon." He said as he came into the room while I had been sat on my bed reading a book.

"God, this weather is horrible. I don't know how we're going to make it up the mountain." I said looking over to the small window we had near the table we ate at. The ran was pounding against the windows almost causing the train to shake every now and again.

"I don't know if we can. It's practically a white out with all this rain, not to mention it's almost sunset." He said walking over to the window of our room as I stood up to get a better look at it as well.

"I mean we could stay at an inn, then we could head out first thing in the morning. It's probably safer that way because I don't know where I'm going." I said honestly.

"Neither do I." He said with a huff. "While that sounds like a good idea, I can't afford an inn."

"I should have enough to get us a place." I said with confidence because I knew I brought enough money for emergencies like this.

"You already saved me with a ticket for the train, got us a luxury cabin, and now an inn. I feel bad." He said shaking his head as he stood next to me.

"Listen it's a risk even being around me because of my father. Not to mention you saved my ass with my identification card, we can call it even if you help me with my hair when we get to the inn." I said looking to the side as I stood next to him.

"I mean I'm not going to say no. We promised we'd stay together." He stated looking to me.

I felt the train jerk as the breaks kicked on. I placed my hand on the table to hold me still. I took a deep breath as I walked over to my shoes and bag. I quickly laced up my boots and checked my bag to make sure I had everything. I had the coffee grounds Yami had acquired and all of my clothes and a few belongings.

"Its not my money anyways. It's money from my father. Better spent on us than anything he'd use it for." I said shaking my head.

I took a deep breath as a crack of lightening sounded off fairly close by. I jumped but calmed myself quickly knowing I'd be safe on the train and not out in it. The rain didn't seem to be letting up at all and I worried what that would mean for us.

"You ready?" He asked standing over me.

I pulled my bag over my shoulder and looked up to him. He held out his hand to me and I looked at it and then back up to him. I took his hand and got to my feet and I saw his face was calm, but something else was hiding behind his eyes. He didn't look scared, but something told me he was feeling unsettled much like I was.

"Yeah." I said nodding my head.

He pulled me out of the room which I hadn't left since our first day here. I was a little uneasy as we exited, but thankfully we were close to the exit since we had been near the front of the train. We got off the train in the crowd of people and I was tucked tightly next to him. I was worried about being seen so I kept my head low as we walked.

I felt rain on my head as we stepped off the train, but he quickly pulled me under the awning of the station. I looked up once we were out of the rain and I saw his hair now wet and soaked like mine had been. He was looking around and I did as well and it was hard to tell where anything was.

I wasn't sure about him, but I had little to no knowledge of Hakuba. I had been here a time or two on trips with my father, but I had no recollection of what this town was like or how it was laid out. I saw some maps over in the distance and I pulled on his hand. He looked to me with confusion but he let me lead him over towards them. He realized where I was headed and we walked against the crowd over to this large map.

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