No talking

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Rebecca-4towns manager- wants to have a meeting

Rebecca wasn't a scary lady, quite the opposite actually, but you know not to get on her bad side.

During the meeting

Rebecca: thank you all for coming on time we have important businesses to discuss.

Aaron T.: let me guess...... it's about last performance when Jesse tripped in front of everyone.🤣

Jesse blushed, he's been trying to forget about it but T. Keeps bring it up like it's the laugh of the century.

Rebecca: actually it's about you T.

T. Froze, he never liked being in trouble

Aaron T.: what did I do? Did I do to many flips on stage?

Rebecca: though you could have hurt yourself, that's not what it is.

T. Tried to remember everything single thing he's ever done but couldn't think of anything that would result in a meeting ( well recently😁)

Aaron T.: well what is it

Rebecca: well the management has been talking and they noticed that Aaron t. Merch is going down in Profit

Aaron T.: oh

T. Never really liked to think about it but he knew he was the least important 4town member.

Rebecca: but this can be fixed, we'll just promote more of you until the 4town merch is balanced more equally, but we do have a request for you.

Aaron T.: like what???

T. Was happy he was gonna get more attention instead of just being in the background like usual.

Rebecca: well.... Management thinks it's best if you don't, we do I say this.... Express your opinion so openly in public.

Everyone looked confused they never had a problem with what T. Said, why did it matter?

Aaron T.: They want me to stop talking?

Rebecca: well yes and no, of course we don't want you to stop talking completely, it's just..... we think the reason your merch isn't selling is because people find you......... annoying.

T. Inhaled swiftly with that new found information. Was he really annoying? He always thought people liked the funny guy, he LIKES being the funny guy, was this the reason why he's the least important member of 4town?

Aaron T.: annoying, really?

Rebecca: I don't mean to be unkind, I'm just telling you what I was told.

T. Couldn't think properly, was everything he did annoying? was he just a useless goofball that people didn't even find funny, has everyone been fake laughing at his jokes for his sake? Does his own friends even want to be around him.

Aaron Z.: well I find T. Hilarious

T. Was shocked by Z. Words and started to blush

Aaron Z.: so anybody who doesn't must not have a sense of humor

T. Couldn't thank Z. Enough, he was so thankful at least one person liked his Company

Jesse: yeah we don't want T. to change, he isn't him without being goofy and the life of the party.

Tae young: yeah life would be boring with Aaron T.

Robaire: yeah tell management it's either all of  T. Or none of us.


Rebecca was shocked

Rebecca: um ok I'll let management know, meeting over

Rebecca walked out professionally leaving the 5 band members alone.

After the meeting

Aaron T.: hey thanks guys I-I really appreciate it

Robaire: ofc T. It's not 4town with the 5 of us.

Aaron Z.: pun intended?

Everyone laughed and hugged each other, making their way back home.


This was a request from @whelmedhamster

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