Phone calls

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Tae young has always been obsessed with femininity, such as nail polish, makeup and long hair.

He enjoyed being the cute one of the group and was proud of it.

Plus had a pretty high pitched voice.

He got some hate comments about his  appearance and him "looking like a girl" and sometimes it bothered him but he loved himself and was proud to be him.

And the other members of 4town helped him a lot.

4town was in their living room watching tv, Robaire was talking about their new song blowing up and how they should celebrate when someone's phone started to ring.

Everyone paused and checked the their phones, it was Tae young phone that was ringing. The caller ID said "어머니".

Tae's heart dropped

His mother wasn't really supportive of his lifestyle. Thankfully 4town became successful from their first song or she would have made him leave the band.

Tae young: um I need to take this

Before anyone could reply Tae speed walked to his room so his band mates wouldn't Hear.

Tae young: *in korean* hello mother

Tae's mom: *also in Korean* Tae why did I see you on the television with nail polish and makeup.

Tae froze, he didn't know his family watched 4town stuff.

Tae young: you watch 4town stuff

Tae's mom: though I don't support this "4town" business, I needed to make sure you weren't embarrassing your family, and I was right to do so because this is unacceptable.

Tae frowned and lowered his head, he always hated when his mother shamed him for doing the thing he loved.

Tae young: I'm sorry

Tae's mom: oh don't apologize now just fix it, honestly I don't know why you like doing this to yourself and this band, why would you want to associate yourself with people who can't even count right? Why are y'all called 4town if there's 5 of you.

Tae rolled his eyes people always asked that he almost wanted to strangle T. for thinking of that name because it would be "funny."

Tae young: Lots of boy bands to that mother.

Tae's mom: well it's very unethical, and wearing all these feminine things, I didn't raise you like this Tae young.

Tae's eyes started to water. He just wished his mother could just loved him for him.

Tae young: *quietly* I Know

Tae's mom: Tae you're not a baby anymore you need to stop acting like it, don't you do want a girlfriend one day, girls don't like feminine boys.

Tae almost chuckled at that, he was one of the fan favorites because he was " the cute one"

He never really thought about having a relationship right now he's just to busy with the band.

Tae young: I don't really have time for a relationship mother, with the band and everything.

Tae's mom paused

Tae's mom: Tae your not a homosexual are you

Tae froze and blushed.

He was in fact pansexual and had come out to the band and management but there was no way he was coming out to his homophobic family.

At least not right now

Tae young:n-no mother

Tae's mom: you better not be lying

Tae young: I'm not I promise

Technically he was lying

Tae's mom: good but you wearing nail polish and makeup needs to stop, you are a boy, not a girl.

When haters online said that it didn't hurt as much but hearing it from his mother bought a pain to his chest.

Tae young: I know mother

Tae's mom: listen to your mother Tae Tae good bye

Tae young: bye *hangs up*

Tae sat on his bed thinking about what his mother said. Why couldn't she just love him? Why wasn't she supportive? Was something really wrong with him?

Knock knock

Tae look up at the door

Aaron Z.: hey Tae you been in there for a while. You ok?

Tae blanked, he didn't realize he was in his room long enough for them to get worried.

Tae young*walking to door* oh I'm fine, I'm coming

Tae opened the door, smiled at Z. and walk to the living room leaving Z. behind.

Everyone looked at Tae while he sat down where he was before.

Aaron T.: who was on the phone

Tae stiffened and looked to the ground

Tae young: *mumbled* my mother

Everyone froze, Tae told them about his relationship with his family and they knew it was a really hard subject for him.

Robaire: w-what she say

Tae young: I'd rather not talk about it

Aaron T. saw the Situation, and decided to change the subject.

Aaron T.: hey y'all wanna see that new Spider-Man with Tobey Maguire?

Tae smiled

Tae young: yeah let's watch it

Everyone cuddled around each other and watched the movie together.

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