Truth or dare

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Today was a very rare day.

Nobody had any plans for the whole day, a chill day if you will.

So the question was, how were they gonna spend their time together?

Everyone was on the couch watching a boring movie, half of them were on their phones, other half falling asleep.

Aaron T. was one of those bout to fall asleep but he refused, he was gonna think of something fun they could all do with each other, something that everyone would like, something that everyone could get involved in.

Than he got an idea,

Aaron T.: hey guys, wanna play truth or dare?

Everyone look up at him with a questionable look.

Jesse: aren't we a little to old for that?

T. rolled his eyes

Aaron T.: maybe you are grandpa but I'm still a baby.

Robaire: I'm down if the rest of y'all are down.

Tae young stood up from his sleepy position, yawning.

Tae young: ok I'll play

Z. Nodded in agreement.

Jesse:*quietly* I guess I'll play too.

Minutes later

Everyone sat in a circle

Robaire: ok T. you go first since you had the idea.

Aaron T.: ok hmmm...

T. Looked around, trying to decide who to choose first.

Aaron T.: Tae Tae, truth or dare.

Tae froze at his name being called first.

Tae young: ummm truth,

T. Thought for a moment,

Aaron T.: who's your celebrity crush.

Tae blushed,

Tae young: sooooooo many people, I don't feel like naming them all.

Robaire: oooooo try,

Tae rolled his eyes

Tae young: Nelly, Lindsay Lohan, Ashanti, Tom cruise, Denzel Washington, Cameron Diaz, Bruce lee, Alicia keys, Ciara, all of destiny's child, Eddie Murphy, j-

Aaron T.: ok ok, dang Tae you doing to much.

Tae young: I wasn't even halfway done.

Jesse: damn how many celebrity crushes can you have.

Tae shrugged.

Robaire: I mean he ain't wrong tho they all fine.

Aaron Z.: for real, I yet to hear a lie.

Everyone laughed

Tae young: ok my turn,

Tae look around

Tae young: Jesse, truth or dare.

Jesse thought for a moment then shrugged.

Jesse: dare

Aaron T.: oooo think of a good one Tae

Robaire: yeah

Tae young: ok ok hmmmm

Tae got an idea

Tae young: I dare you to go on social media post something embarrassing and leave it there for 24 hours.

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