Personal space

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Aaron Z. was always a quiet and reserved person. He never really shows his feelings and just goes with the flow. The others knew this and loved him for him. But one thing he really hated was being touched without permission.

Sure he loved hugging his band mates when they need comforting *which he wasn't very good at* but getting surprise hugs from the back by Aaron T. always left him feeling Anxious.

4town had just finished a concert and we're doing meet and greets with fan to take pictures and sign autographs.

They all knew they were going to be there for a while because the line was practically out the door.

The meet and greet went Per usual, girls and boys saying how much they love each of them and telling them who their favorites were - which was pretty obvious because they were wearing their favorites Merch.

Taking pictures with fans wasn't Z.'s favorite part of being in a boy band but he was willing to do it to put a smile on their face.

The fans did sometimes get touchy touchy and it did bother him but he never said anything.

He was taking a picture with a fan while their friends took the pictures when the fan put their hands around his waist.

Though on the outside it looked harmless and he was sure the fan didn't mean anything by it something in him shut down.

After the picture he sat down with a blank yet concerning look on his face.

Robaire noticed and went to talk to him.

Robaire: hey Z. You alright?

Z. Jumped a little, not noticing Robaire's arrival.

Aaron Z.: oh yeah I'm fine don't worry about me

Though he didn't buy it Robaire let him be.

Robaire: ooooookk but let me know if you need a break.

Z. Nodded and Robaire went back to signing autographs.

Pretty soon another Aaron Z. Fan asked for a picture.


Aaron Z.: aww I love you too how would you like you photo

Fan: *blushes* umm..... can I have picture of me kissing your cheek

Z. Blushed no one ever asked for that before he couldn't say no, the fan had major puppy eyes that could compete with Tae young.

Aaron Z.: um ok whatever you want

While taking the picture Z. Couldn't have been more uncomfortable, there was nothing wrong with the fan's lips so why was he feeling this way?
He couldn't stop thinking about it even after the photo was taken.

Hours later...

The meet and greet was finally over and Z.'s social battery was at zero. He couldn't stop thinking about those two fans, why did they make him feel this way? Why did his skin crawl? Why was he body aching? Was it something he ate?

4town was riding in their tour bus, on their way to the hotel. Everyone was talking about how great their performance went. Everyone expect Z.

Jesse: we did great guys, I can't wait to get to the hotel and get some well deserved sleep 💤

Everyone agreed

Aaron T.: yeah don't wake me up until next concert

Tae young: I hope the beds are really comfy and warm.

Robaire: yeah and not have bedbugs like last time , what about you Z.

Z. Blinked back into reality, everyone looked at him for a response.

Aaron Z.: oh um y-yeah I'm tired too.

The others side-eyed each other worried

Jesse: are you okay Z. you seem distracted and you haven't talked all car ride.

Z. Shrunk

Aaron Z.: I'm fine guys don't worry about me.

Robaire got deja vu

Robaire: we are worried tho, you know you can talk to us.

Tae young: yeah you know we love you

Aaron T.: come on dude no matter what it is you can always come to us.

Z. Looked at the ground and reluctantly started to speak.

Aaron Z.: At the meet and greet, some fans were a little extra touchy that's all

Everyone's eyes sank

Robaire: oh Z. We're sort we didn't notice, we know you're not a real physical person.

Aaron Z.: it's ok I just wish I didn't feel this way, I just want to make the fans happy and I can't say no to them.

Jesse: Z. Remember it's your body and it's ok to not want people touching, just tell them next time and I'm sure they'll understand.

Aaron Z.: yeah you're right I'll try and speak out in the future.

Tae young: can we hug you 🥺

Aaron Z. *giggles* of course

They all hugged until they made it to the hotel.

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