Over-the-Ocean Call

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Adelina's POV

"But do I really need to?" I whined. "Can't it wait until the fall?"

My sister shook her head. "Bambina," she said firmly. "You have to go. It's only March. You can't miss 3 whole months of school."

"I don't want to be the weird foreign girl who starts midway through the year!" I lamented.

"Adelina, it's going to be fine. You'll make friends, no one's going to think you're weird," Carina said as sweetly as she could, but I could tell she was getting frustrated.

I felt bad that I was creating more stress for her but I got caught up in my own panicked spiral and couldn't stop. I started pacing the room as I fired a rambling response back. "How, Carina? How am I going to make friends huh? It's high school, teachers don't just assign you a buddy cause you're new. Everyone already has friends and I'll have no one to sit with at lunch and that will make me look even worse. And it's too late to even join the track team or any clubs or anything!"

Carina grabbed my hands that I hadn't even noticed I was waving around and brought me over to the couch. "Look," she started firm but her tone softened as she continued. "I know it's scary, but I promise you it will be okay."

I tried hard not to roll my eyes; but really what does she know? She didn't have to move to the states until she was an adult and it was by choice. Plus it's been forever since she was in high school.

She could tell I was still fuming. "I'm sorry bambina, but you have to go to school."
I sighed, knowing there was no changing her mind. "Fine." Quickly looking at the time, I got up and pulled on my sneakers. "I'm going for a run before dinner," I said half-heartedly before closing the door behind me, probably a little harder than I should have.

Carina's POV

My head fell into my hands as the slamming door rattled the apartment. "Ugh" I let out an exasperated groan. Everything I try to do for Adelina feels wrong. I felt two soft arms wrap around my waist and my body was pulled back into my beautiful girlfriend. I chuckled as I turned my head to look up at her.
"She reminds me of you sometimes."
"Me?!" Maya asked in shock. "She's just like you!"
That made me laugh. "Yes, you! Didn't you hear her storm out to go for a run the moment I told her something she didn't want to hear?"
Maya chuckled. "Okay fair, but did you see the way she paced the room waving her hands around as she rambled in fantic Italian? She's all you."
I couldn't help but laugh as Maya began to imitate my sister, and apparently me.
"Okay okay," I admitted defeat. "She has the worst of both of us."

Our giggles faded out as Maya rejoined me on the couch, pulling me back into her arms.
"I'm guessing that was about school?" she asked sweetly.
I leaned further into her as I sighed out my response, "Yeah." I paused a moment but felt Maya's eyes on me waiting for details.
"She really doesn't want to go," I explained. "And I can't blame her, but I also can't let her skip a whole quarter of the school year."
Maya kissed the top of my head and traced soft spirals down my arm. "I'm sorry she's mad at you, but you're doing the right thing. And I'm sure once she's there a few days and starts making friends she'll forget all about being angry."

With that she grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and covered us both as she clicked on the TV. I flipped over onto my stomach and laid between Maya's legs, using her chest as a pillow and half-watched the episode of Chopped she had put on. We stayed curled up like that for another half hour before Adelina got back. She took one look at me as she kicked off her shoes and rolled her eyes before walking straight to her room.

Adelina's POV (TW: depression/suicidal thought. very mild but would rather include an unnecessary warning than not put one)

As usual, my run helped to clear my head. I'm glad that with all of the changes happening in my life, that's one thing that hasn't changed. I was starting to feel a little better but as soon as I got back, I walked in to see Carina and Maya happily snuggled on the couch. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they have each other and I want my sister to be happy, but in that moment, I felt really jealous. I wanted Sofia.

When I got to my room I pulled out my phone to facetime her. Even if we couldn't curl up on the couch together, I at least wanted to see her face and talk to her. I listened to it ring for 30 seconds, hoping she would pick up but she didn't. I texted her just two words instead: "Mi manchi" (I miss you).

I put my phone down but my lock screen only made me sadder. It's a picture of me and Sofia from my last cross-country race. She had come to watch and support me even though it was raining. By the time I finished the race I was soaked through and caked in mud. But I still wrapped her in a massive bear hug making her squeal. One of our friends captured the moment and sent me the pictures. Usually, looking at it makes me smile, but this time it just made me miss my girlfriend even more. I threw my phone onto the bed as I felt tears pricking my eyes. Finally I couldn't hold it back and I curled into a ball as tears streamed down my face.

After a few minutes, my phone buzzed. The knot in my stomach started to untangle just a little when I saw that it was Sofia. I answered the facetime but didn't even bother to sit up.
"Ciao bambina!" she said happily. Concern filled her voice when she saw the tears on my cheeks. "Why are you crying? What's wrong?"

Through sobs I told her everything. About how I missed her, and my friends, and my team. How I hated the idea of going to a new school, especially midway through the year. How I felt horrible for being nasty to my sister, especially when she's taken me in and been the only good consistent person in my life. How I feel like such a burden on her and Maya. How I sometimes wish I wasn't here at all.

Carina's POV:

I let Addie go to her room and shook my head at Maya. Neither of us had any idea of what to do, I wasn't even sure what part of it all was making her so angry. I sat quietly trying to figure out something before Maya had the best suggestion I'd heard all day.
"Why don't we just order a pizza and go get ice cream and hope that tomorrow is better?"
I nodded. "Yes bambina, that sounds perfect."

I went to get Adelina and see what she wanted on her pizza but just as I was about to tap on her door, I heard her crying. I didn't know if I should give her space or go in to hug her like I wanted to. Before I could decide, I heard her call Sofia. I knew I shouldn't eavesdrop but once I heard her start to explain what was wrong, I couldn't pull myself away from the door.

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