Chapter 1: Trafalgar Law, and the Heart Pirates

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A/N: I know this is could come off as confusing since it is a zoro x reader fanfic, but it will all make sense in a few chapters. Trust me my reader-chans!!!! Enjoy and please leave comments!! I also have two other fanfics written as of right now, one a law x reader, and the other a kid x reader, so check those out too!! xx anna

Today was just another regular day on the good old Polar Tang. You, (Y/N), have been a part of the Heart Pirate crew for quite some time now. Around 2 years to be exact! They had found you on Sabaody, when you helped them fight off one of Kuma's pacifistas. You were very skilled when it came to the bow, and boy it sure came in handy. You had many different kinds of arrows as well, such as poison ones, flammable ones, electric ones, and ones that could even freeze the surface it touched. You were also pretty good with knives for up close combat, but nothing compared to when you had that bow in your hands. You were truly unstoppable with it.

The crew all adored and were amazed by you ever since the second you joined. The Captain, Trafalgar Law, also had quite the liking towards you. You always thought he was cute and even sweet under his serious persona, and after annoying him for weeks on end the two of you finally got together and have been inseparable since. You guys really did make quite the power couple as well. You had your combat skills, and Law had his devil fruit abilities. Along with that your (h/l) (h/c) hair complemented his brown hair, and your (e/c) eyes complemented his silvery eyes perfectly. Truly, you two were a match made in heaven, at least that's what the rest of the crew tells you anyways.

The crew always wore the same orange jumpsuit in unison, but since you were the Captain's girlfriend after all you had your perks. Your typical go to outfit was a (f/c) cropped tank top, with black denim shorts paired with combat boots. You typically stayed away from makeup, because Law always told you that you're beautiful without it, which you agreed with as well.

Tomorrow will be a big day for you and the crew. The plan was to invade a marine base, and intercept their secret plans for some kind of medical miracle. Law being a doctor and all just had to have them. He said they were better in his hands than the filthy marines, which you couldn't agree anymore with. You honestly hated the marines, they were corrupt bastards.

You made your way to the kitchen for dinner, taking a seat next to Law. He pulled you in for a quick kiss, and you blushed as the crew started whistling. You swear they will never get over you and Law no matter how much time goes by. It's ridiculous at this point since you've been together basically the second you joined the crew.

You quickly ate dinner, then headed to Law's room to read a book, then call it a night since you had a big day tomorrow invading the marine base. After reading for about an hour, Law entered the room and joined you in bed taking his shirt off. You stared at his shirtless body because you could never get enough of your boyfriend. He was truly the sexiest man you've ever laid eyes on.

"Stop looking at me like that (Y/N)-ya, before I give you something else to look at" Law said smirking, pulling you to him for a kiss.

You loved his kisses. Every time his lips met yours it was like fireworks were dancing around exploding everywhere. You really could do this the rest of your life, he was everything you've ever wanted in a man.

You pulled away from the kiss and your eyes locked with Law's as you said, "That's enough fun for the night tonight Captain. We should go to sleep for the big day tomorrow. Don't want to make a mistake on the count of being tired now do we?"

"Fine, fine (Y/N)-ya. You're right. Just know as soon as we steal the secret plans I'm locking you in this room with me for 3 days straight." Law said giving you one last peck, then turning to shut off the lamp.

You cuddled up into Law's chest and he put his arms around you placing a kiss on the top of your head.

"I love you Law, sweet dreams" you said, closing your eyes to go to sleep.

"I love you more (Y/N)-ya. Goodnight baby" Law said letting out a yawn as you both quickly fell asleep.


You woke up to Bepo banging in the door stating that we were approaching the marine base in the next hour. You and Law both got up to get ready. After showing and getting changed, you headed to go grab your bow and knives knowing you would need them for the upcoming fight.

The Polar Tang finally made it to the marine base, and surfaced to the top. The second you guys surfaced, everyone knew the plan, and what they had to do. Law was going to use his devil fruit ability to infiltrate quickly and Bepo was going to assist him, while you would lead the rest of the crew to fend off the marines in a fight as a distraction. You were excited because Law finally wasn't going to be by your side babying you, like he does in every single fight. You finally would get to fight on your own without someone stepping in front of you to 'save' you.


You and the crew were fighting off the marines, which was actually quite easy. You kept good distance between you and them to allow max use of your bow. You were taking them down one after another. After about 15 minutes of fighting the energy changed, and you knew it wasn't for the good. All of a sudden a strong admiral made his way to the fight and stopped right in front of you. You dropped your bow and went to grab your knives then the admiral grabbed your wrists stopping you.

"What the hell are you pirate scum attempting to do here? Our walls are impenetrable so you won't even be able to step foot inside. You guys must be pretty stupid if I do say so myself" said the angry looking admiral.

You spit in his face and his grasp became tighter around your wrists. You looked around to see if anyone could help, but they were all in fights of their own. The only one to notice what was happening between you and the admiral was Penguin. It looked like he was walking towards you as 4 marines ambushed him, causing him to stop to fight them.

"You call us stupid? You're the stupid, corrupt ones if you ask me. I'm not revealing why we are here, but just know my boyfriend is already inside of your so-called impenetrable building as we speak you dumbass." You said laughing in his face.

"Oh yeah you dumb broad? And who might your boyfriend be?" the admiral asked.

"The one and only Trafalgar Law, Captain of the Heart Pirates of course!" you answered.

That might not have been the smartest thing to say, and you regretted it as soon as the words left your mouth. The admiral now looked furious, and he threw you to the ground. Once on the ground he started stomping on your head repeatedly, and you could feel blood flowing down your face. A few more kicks later and everything went blurry, then soon nothing. Everything went blank. 

A/N: I didn't want to put a lot of talking context between (Y/N) and the Heart Pirates, as they are not going to be the focus of this story from here on out. Trust me there will be a lot of talking context in the rest of the chapters... Thanks for reading xx anna

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