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One year ago

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One year ago...

Love is such a funny thing one minute you think you're in love and that the person you're in love with is going to be the one you only think this because he goes and promises you the world and he says he's never going to leave you no matter what.

Well, guess what he's probably lying because I was promised that exact same thing and I thought the same thing as well but once I told him that I was pregnant with his child what did he do he tells me that it's not his child and calls me a whore and he leaves me. He leaves me in an apartment that I can't afford to pay for by myself. He leaves my eighteen-year-old self crying on the floor.

Well three years later I'm the most successful woman in my field, I'm the CEO of the top clothing brand and I have a wonderful three-year-old daughter named Lillian Marie Martinez.

Three years later I'm sitting in front of the same man who called me a whore and left me crying on our apartment floor wondering what I'm going to do and how I'm going to support my unborn child.

I'm sitting in front of my child's father listening to him ask me for money because he's in a rough patch at the moment but why should I let him borrow money from me when he didn't let me borrow money from him?

When instead of leaving you money he left you with nothing and when I did ask him for money he would always tell you to go fuck off and to never speak to him again because that's not his child you carried for nine months that's not his child that you went through hours of pain to birth that's not his child that you have raised for three years on your own so why should you give him money and the answer is you shouldn't and I'm not going to.

"No Jonathan I'm not going to give you money." 

"Why the fuck not"

"Because where were you when I needed you for money? Where were you when I was begging you to stay with me for the sake of your daughter? Where were you when I was asking you for money so I could keep a roof over our daughter's head and so I could put food on the table oh that's right you told me to go fuck off and to never ask you for money because Lilliana isn't yours"

"So, no I'm not going to give you money and you can go and fuck off because you are no father to Lilliana and never will be."

"Oh, come on Rosie I was just a kid I wasn't ready to be a father."

"And you think I was ready to be a mother I was nineteen for crying out loud do you know what it's like to give birth to a child all by yourself do you know what's it like to walk out of the hospital and have nowhere to go but you have to try to figure it out because you have a baby now. I had to birth a baby all by myself when I was just nineteen years old. I was nineteen for crying out loud you have no idea what it's like to try and figure out how to raise a child on your own and especially when you have nothing so get the fuck out of my office and I hope to never see you again."

How dare this asshole come and ask me for money when he has done nothing for me or Lilliana?

Jonathan gets up and walks to the door. His hand is on the doorknob when he turns around and tells me "Rosie I'm proud of everything you made for yourself and Lilliana and I'm sorry for everything I did in the past and for saying that Lilliana wasn't mine."

"Thank you, Jonathan that means a lot to me,"

He turns back around, opens the door, and leaves and that was the very last time I ever saw my child's father again or so I thought...

He turns back around, opens the door, and leaves and that was the very last time I ever saw my child's father again or so I thought

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