A New Friend

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"Freja, you need to be more careful about your health."

"I'm fine, Deb, did the other two make it to the next game?"

"Samantha made it to the next game, but Woodland barely made it but he escaped."

Thank god. They're still in the game. Speaking of the two.

"How are they?"


"Like, how are they doing being part of your project?"

"They are doing great. Wesley is making a bomb-"

"Wait woah woah woah. A bomb? I didn't know were going to blow this place up-"

"No. Not that kind of bomb. It's the dispersion bomb. He's trying to disperse the antidote inside the facility."

Oh thank god I do not want to blow this thing up. Even if it's the one keeping me. I just can't do that. I started to play with the small paper in my hand. It has the next game instructions on it, but I'm just too lazy to read it. I'll read it later.

"How many people got eliminated from the last game?"

"twenty three people are eliminated from math." That seems like busted math. 48 people and only Twenty three got eliminated? Ah I don't want to get into that right now.

"The next game will be in pairs. They will pick your pair, randomly . Theo is out of the equation. He will not be paired with you. Again." I don't know If I should feel bad or good for Theo, but he betrayed me!

"Are you going to tell me what it is?"

"I'm afraid I cannot. It will ruin the game itself." I huffed and just nodded. Why can't she tell me what the next game is?

She's hiding something...

"Your back!" I got greeted by a hug by Samantha. We almost fell down to the ground, but I kept us up. Woods also joined the hug, squishing me and Samantha.

"I am. I have no clue why he chose me, but I'm glad to be back." I said, sitting down on the ground. They both sat down beside me and we started to form a small circle. We talked about the game and what happened. It sounds like they found the counteragent and didn't tell their "team mate". Woods on the other hand, told his team mate about it and in the end, Woods got it.

"So that was the whole game? The whole door thing is just a red herring?"


Okay.. We all continued to chat, some people coming in and coming as they walked up to us and we just excluded them, but we didn't mean to exclude them. It's just we three have known each other for a bit now and we just bounce off of each other. We three have started to talk more and we're just having fun at this point. Completely forgetting that we're trapped here for god knows how long.

"Mind if I sit here?"


The two looked at him with fury in their eyes, and I just shrugged.

"Freja I'm-"

"Freja is not available to talk to assholes at the moment, try again later." Samantha said, looking away from Theo. Damn..

"Listen I only did it because-"

"Hey Matthias!"

Who now?

Woods waved at a dude in front of us and the dude waved back. He jogged up to us and sat next to Woods.

"Hey. How are you doing?"

"Doing great, before someone showed up." Woods glared at Theo. Theo hung his head in shame and looked at the floor.

"I don't think I saw you before.. What's your name?" The dude pointed at me. Finally someone asked my name, except for Deb.

"Freja. Freja Smith."

"I'm Matthias, Matt for short. How come I only saw you now?" He asked. Oh boy..

Woods was about to say something, but Samantha spoke up first.

"They were unconscious after the last game.. She has to stay behind for a bit." Samantha explained. Matthias just nodded.

I might tell Deb about a potential new member of her project.

Our happiness was cut short by the door opening again. This time, less scientists are in here, and more phantoms are present. That's weird..

We all followed them outside the room and it did not get better outside the white room. It looked like no one had been taking care of the outside other than the white room. The corridors seem to get longer and longer every time we get out of the white room. The walls are getting darker and darker as we walk deeper in the corridors.

"This is creepy and scary."

I couldn't agree more, random stranger. There was a dim light on top of us, but you can barely see where everyone was. Footsteps are getting fewer and fewer until there's three of us in a bright room. It was me and Samantha in this bright room, and a phantom.

"The next game is simple."

"Eliminate your opponent."

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