Remember to breathe

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The area is full of scientists on the sides, watching the three of us enter the room. The talks suddenly halted as soon as they saw us. I looked around and saw a ton of scientists and phantoms standing on the stand, observing us.

After all, You're just a lab rat.

"Welcome to the Finale! We have our three contestants." An male voice said through the speakers.

The room suddenly went dark. But the lights came back on, but we were not in the same room as before. I look beside me to see Matthias and Woods not in sight. They must've separated us when the light went off, but that was quick. How did they manage to do that? I looked around me and saw walls surrounding me. In front of me is a dimly lit hall. I picked up the small flashlight off the ground and started running down the hallway. To my surprise, it was not just a normal hallway, it was a maze. I grabbed the paper from the pocket and started reading the directions.



I started to follow the direction and was met by a ladder. I started to climb the ladder, when the flashlight suddenly dropped. There goes my lightsource. I groaned, but continued to climb the ladder. Once on top, I looked ahead and saw the two already mixing some chemicals. How long did I spend in that maze? I ran up to my station and started mixing some chemicals as well.

"We got worried when you weren't here. We thought you were.." Matthias said, continuing on mixing his chemicals.

"I can't die easily. Not without a fight." I said, smiling at the mixture I have. I saw Woods struggling on the other end, but I knew to not to go in his side and help, not with the phantoms watching us close. I accidentally spilled one of the chemicals in the counter and it started melting the counter, through the ground. What kind of chemical is that?! I grabbed the flask of the chemical and saw no label, it's just a clear liquid. I ignored it and ran to the phantom. I gave him the mixture I made and it had the same reaction as the same liquid I spilled on the counter. The phantom looked at me and opened the door in front. I looked behind me and saw Matthias finishing his mixture, and Woods starting to get frustrated, but still mixing some chemicals. I entered the room and was greeted by the foggy room. Every step I take is like an obstacle, I can barely see what's in front of me without tripping over them. I managed to not trip on the objects anymore and heard a cough beside me and heard a thump. I looked to my left and saw Woods, face planted on the ground, I chuckled at the sight and helped him up.

"Why?" He asked. "You face planted, dude. Let's get out of here." I said. He grabbed my hand and we started to traverse our way through this foggy room. Once we were out, Woods pushed me to the ground and ran ahead. I looked at him, shocked, and started chuckling.

We did say we were going to betray each other.

I caught up to him and immediately solved the game. He looked at me shocked and I just continued on with the game. But this game is not the game that has been introduced to us. In Front of me are three syringes, filled with different liquids. They all looked scary, but- I don't know! They're just scary!

Choose One and Inject it.

I look at the three liquids. They all have the same amount inside the syringe, but one of the syringes has a black mark on it. I took the one with the black mark and injected it into my arm. I didn't feel any reaction and moved on to the next part. I can feel my right arm starting to tingle, but I didn't think much of it. I started on the next game and it was the puzzle one. Technically- it was not a puzzle, the puzzle was just a red herring and the pieces are the actual puzzle because they all have numbers. I picked all the pieces with the most colored pieces and was left with four numbers. But they were letters instead.


That does not make sense. I tried rearranging them and was shocked to see what I came up with.


That was a nickname my friends gave me. I present the four puzzle pieces in front of the phantom and they just nod. I started to run as fast as I could, but saw a huge gap in front. I slowed down and saw a big gap between me and the antidote. This is it. The last obstacle. I looked up and saw five ropes hanging. Two of them could just snap if someone put a weight on them. I looked behind me and saw Matthias and Woods catching up. I took a deep breath and took some steps back. I saw Matthias and Woods pass me and I started running as fast as I could, passing the two who looked at me shocked. I grabbed one of the ropes and closed my eyes.

Everything was silent. I didn't hear wind in my ears, nor the scream of Matthias and Woods. I slowly opened my eyes and saw myself on the ground. I looked behind and saw Woods grab one of the ropes, but it snapped. I tried to scream, but no noise came out of my mouth. Matthias looked at me and grabbed one of the ropes. I held my breath in, hoping it wouldn't snap and it didn't. Matthias and I made it..

It was between me and him. I started to run on the stairs, at the antidote. I looked behind me, hoping Matthias was racing as well, but he was not. He was at the bottom of the stairs, looking at me.

"What are you doing, Matt?"


"What? No!"

"Go, Freja."

I looked at the antidote at the top of the stairs, and Matthias at the bottom of the stairs. I started to cry as I made my way down next to Matthias and hugged him.

"You don't have to do this.. You can take it, Matt." I sob at his shoulder.

He didn't reply and just continued to hug me.

"It's okay, Freja. I will get out of here."

"We will meet in a different timeline."

He said and smiled at me. I finally let go. He gently pushed me towards the stairs and ushered me to go. I slowly walk up the stairs, looking behind, I see Matthias, waving at me, tears slowly falling out from his eyes. As I got closer to the antidote, the more guilty and sad I felt. Matthias could've taken the antidote, he could've been in my position right now, but he chose to give it to me...


I whipped my head around and saw Matthias, still standing in the same position.

"Remember to breathe!"

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