Ch. 17- Paint It Black (Part 2)

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A/N: I apologize for the fact that this chapter took so long to come out! Life has been crazy, but luckily summer is about to start, so this teacher is about to have a lot of time off :)

I've had this chapter in mind for a long time, and I really hope that it comes across the way I've been wanting it to. Please share your thoughts in the comments! Super excited for y'all to read this one.

This is the second-to-last chapter of this story arc! EXCITING!!

Discussion of domestic abuse/child abuse. No depictions of the act itself, but there is discussion of it happening.


It wasn't until your second drink at the bar that you'd finally found the right word to describe your current mindset in the wake of what had just transpired between yourself and Master Ren-

Shaken. You felt shaken.

Two hours ago, you had walked into a ballroom on Canto Bight accompanied by the Supreme Leader and the Knights of Ren. One hour ago, you had been dancing in Kylo Ren's arms, which was shortly followed by kissing him until you'd all but collapsed into them. Then half an hour ago, he had left you alone. Lips swollen and heart pumping, he had left you alone in the servants' passageway, and you hadn't seen him since.

Usually you were able to stumble your way through any situation, regardless of whether it was a familiar one to you or not. But after what happened tonight? There was no protocol for how to react when your superior spontaneously starts making out with you only to disappear shortly thereafter.

Hence, the drinking.

As you stared into your glass at the swirling concoction of whiskey, citrus, and some sort of smoky flavor you couldn't quite name, you almost didn't notice someone sidling up next to you at the bar.

"You know, I almost didn't recognize you-" An accented voice lifted your gaze from your glass, and it was met by a pair of warm brown eyes that sparked a wave of honey-dipped familiarity through your chest. Jem's glossy lips turned up in a grin. "-until I saw that brooding look on your face."

You couldn't help but smile. Through the Force, you could feel Jem's spirit- warm and inviting, like a cup of spiced tea on a cold day. Her aura could make anyone fall in love with her without a second thought; she was in the right line of work, clearly.

"Jem," you said, grinning as you placed your hand on her arm and gave it a gentle squeeze. "It's good to see you." You let your whiskey-dipped gaze drift down to assess the Mirialan, taking in the sight of her. She lifted an eyebrow, and you mimicked her expression flirtatiously. "You've been well?"

Jem's lips parted in a smile that was somehow demure and devilish at the same time. "You could say that," She stated smoothly, "considering I'm now the head escort for the property." You saw a sparkle of pride in her rich milk-chocolate eyes. "I'm Madam Jeminai now."

Your flirtatious air shifted to one of pure excitement and support for your old flame. "Are you serious?" You practically squealed, which elicited a couple judgmental glances from the other partygoers at the bar. Luckily, you did not seem to care at all at this point. You placed both of your hands on her shoulders this time, giving her a gentle shake to emphasize how proud you were of her. "The fact that they trust you to take charge of so many people speaks volumes for your character. You should be so proud of yourself."

Jem's cheeks flushed a deep evergreen, a little flustered at the praise. "I... ahem, I have to say I didn't expect such enthusiasm from you... it's a welcome change." Her blushing grin widened into a genuine smile. "Thank you."

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