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*Clap* *Clap*

"Phew~ All done!"

Rhys  who's standing in front of the beatened, captured and unconscious Navy clapped his hand to get the dusts off him. Nezumi is a few meters away from his captured men, tied up by Nami.

Nezumi's current state is...miserable...His face is disfigured with different broken bones here and there all over his body.

This is the result of facing Nami's wrath. Nezumi couldn't defend himself as he's temporarily blinded by tangerine's juice. So it was a one-sided beat down.

Anyways, now that the corrupted navy has been dealed with Nami walked up to Rhys who is talking with Genzo and Nojiko.

"Thank you...err?" Nami expressed her gratitude towards the snow-white haired savior.

"Not a problem! They deserved it anyway. I'm Rhys Nishishishi" Rhys gave Nami a bright smile and a thumb up.

Stunning at Rhys smile for a second before Rhys broke Nami out of her stupor,

"What are we going to do with them then? Call another Navy branch to capture a navy? *Pof* Good idea! Nishishishi"

Rhys punched his palm and laughed at his idea of letting a navy capture another navy.

"Hmm, there's Branch 77 Navy in this area other than the 16th branch. I hope this Branch is not corrupted...!!" Nami agreed with Rhys idea but then her sharp brain noticed a loophole.

'Most of the 16th Branch navy is here, that means the entire base of 16th branch is mostly empty!! I wonder how much can I loot hehehehe'

Nami thought as she glanced at Rhys who is...eating a tangerine? TANGERINE!?

Nami then glanced at the amount of tangerine peels laying on the ground. Her eyes widen upon realization as Rhys's words rang in her head.

'Think of it as a compensation Nishishishi~'

Nami's face darkened before a smile appeared on her face.

"Rhys~ You said you are a pirate right? So, money is essential for your voyage...you looked like you are broke as well so why don't you go and loot those 'corrupted' Navy's base?" Nami suggested making Rhys flinched.

"..." Rhys's went quiet, his hair covering his face, making Nami thought her idea about bringing Rhys to loot with her failed.

"H-Hey y-" feeling awkward, Nami 'tried' to change the subject, but before she could finish her sentence, Rhys looked at her with his hair fully changed to Gold while his eyes had stars.

"YOSH! LET'S GO THIS INSTANT!" The excited Rhys punched the air in excitement.

Of course Rhys would never disagree with the idea of going to a new place as he likes adventuring. He didn't care about looting at all, he just want to sightsee the navy base.

Hearing Rhys's confirmation, Nami smiled as her eyes turned into a Berry sign.

With this Nami and Rhys set sail towards the 16th Navy Branch.

Meanwhile, Nojiko and Genzo acting as a bystander just watched this scene with a lost look and a single thought running in their mind,

'They didn't forget about us...right?'


A day and half went by quickly but many things happened as well.

Nami and Rhys are now back at Cocoyasi village in Conomi Island safely but Rhys is not in his usual cheerfyl mood, Nojiko and Genzo noticed this changes but didn't say anything.

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