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the number you are calling is not available, please try again later

the number you are calling is not available, please try-

"...Mikey-kun, it's been a while since we haven't talked ... you haven't come home to our apartment for months and you also don't talk to me through message, I know you're still angry with me for what happened then and I apologize for what I did ... I know my apology's not enough, especially at these times when it's impossible to return everything"

"Winter is approaching and I know your favorite to eat is a hot dorayaki, if you want I'll buy you a lot! do you want a dozen? or more than that? I can also cook you omurice, I know it's your favorite to eat too"

"if that's the only way for you to come home again I'll buy whatever you want, even if you continue to ignore me for a few years I can tolerate that ... I can tolerate everything as long as I can see your cheerful expression again"


"... just don't leave me like this"

stopping the voice message and simultaneously giving it directly to Mikey, Takemichi hung up her phone as her head remained dropped, her right hand unconsciously lifted the paper that was already in her grasp and re-examined every word that was in it before throwing it aside —doesn't care how necessary the message is on that paper, gradually her oceanic eyes were filled with tears threatening to fall, too beautiful and heartbreaking that it was obvious she had long endured these tears not to shed.

in truth, she's tired of waiting for Mikey, knowing that she only has 1% that Mikey would go home to their apartment and there are 99% that Mikey has actually left her. after so much has happened in the past causing Mikey to change in an instant. Takemichi doesn't know what she's going to do next, she's afraid to talk to Mikey, she's nervous every time she sees Mikey's abyssal eyes stab her core, especially each time he would raise his fist in front of her. 

they have been together for a long time and she has been suffering at Mikey's hands for too long, he's always in control of her life and will not let her go so easily, he also doesn't allow Takemichi to work and just wants to lock her up in their apartment so that no other man can take away his possession, while on the other hand, Mikey is free to do what he wants and always goes to the bar to drink or look for women to replace Takemichi.

honestly, she also caught Mikey last time who brought a woman to their apartment, and even worse they had sex there in their very own room. of course, Takemichi wasn't angry, she even waited in their living room ignoring the noises they were making —yet, in the end when it's all over, after seeing the woman Mikey brought to their apartment full of hickeys all over her body and happily clinging to him as if she was the happiest woman in the world after marrying the man of her dreams. nevertheless, Mikey who wouldn't pay attention when he sensed Takemichi was just sitting in their living room, will continue their make-out even though he knows they're in front of his own wife.

it's not like she minds that Mikey takes women home to their apartment, for her, until Mikey doesn't leave her and continues their relationship as a couple, she will tolerate everything. 

soughing, Takemichi wiped away the tears she had wasted, she watched herself reflect on the marble floors. after a few minutes of making sure, there were no tears left on her face, she put a smile back on her pale lips before picking up her phone again and dialing a new number.



hearing that someone immediately answered the call after five seconds had passed, Takemichi couldn't help but chuckle thinking this person was too excited to talk to her.

"Inupi-kun, it's been a while since we talked -how are you?" grinning, she started walking out of the building.

"I'm fine, I haven't heard your voice for a long time and I'm glad you called me right away ... where are you now? do you need anything? are you alone? do you want me to pick you up?"

listening to the worried voice of the younger on the other line and began bombarding questions one after another, Takemichi couldn't help but cry again, thinking that there were still people there for her to ask about her condition. 

unlike her husband who constantly forgot about her

"I am in the medical center right now" Takemichi replied "if it's okay with you, pick me up here so we can eat at the restaurant"

"medical center? what are you doing there? are you pregnant again?" 

"n-no! I..." Takemichi paused, she took a deep breath "It's too hard to explain to you on the phone, just pick me up here so that I can tell you everything"

unaware that Inupi had already driven to his destination and hung up the phone, Takemichi sighed heavily again. she stayed there on the side of the entrance of the medical center while humming a song, she securely wrapped the thick jacket around her body to keep it warm. not long after she also saw a black BMW stop in front of the building, she presently headed in that direction seeing Inupi come out of the driver's seat.

"Inupi-kun!" smiling dazzlingly, Takemichi threw herself into Inupi's arms "it's been a while!"

Inupi returned the hug to the older, puffing out his tail and ears like a puppy so happy to see his owner again. meanwhile, there's another man who's inside the car and waiting impatiently, he lowered the mirror and pulled out his head.

"if you just keep hugging there, you should have told me earlier so that I can join too"

"Koko-kun!" the older's smile became even wider. "it's been a while!"

Koko nodded and returned the smile, he got out of the back seat and opened the door. "so? where do you want to eat? my treat"

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