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Do you know when you are standing there you all of a sudden fell a urge like you may feel like you want to fly, dance, sing or even the worst of all die. Well that is how I feel every day of my life, on the outside I look all happy but no one and I mean no one knows how I feel every day, every hour, every minute, every second. I feel lonely. I feel empty. I even feel the urge to die. But I know somewhere just somewhere there is a light in me. There will be that one person who will make me feel happy, safe and maybe just maybe I will feel like I want to live.

Follow me, Amber Patterson, on my journey to living again.

                                                Chapter One

                                                  A new Start

April the 24 2008, is the date of my family’s death my mum, my 20 year old brother Fin, my dad, my little 8 year old sister Rose all died. Today it is April the 23 2013. I am 17, I am nothing without my sister and brother. I remember that day and night like it was yesterday. I had just gotten home from my best friend, Scarlett’s house and was in a bad mood because she is getting to go on the school field trip and I can’t. “Hey, Ambery” my little sister Rose yelled as soon as she saw me. “Are you mad?” she asked I let out the breathe I had no clue I was holding in “no my little Rose. I am just, how can I explain umm upset” I said and then she just out of the blue gave me the biggest hug. “I don’t want you to be sad sissy because whaen you are sad I am sad” she said holding tighter around my waist. So I picked her up and hugged her back ”oh baby don’t cry you know I hate it when you cry” I said hugging her then putting her back on the ground. “where’s mummy” I asked kneeling down eye level to her then pulling a strand of her hair behind her ear.

“she’s cooking dinner” Rose said quietly. I kissed her on the fore head then walked into the kitchen. “hay mum, do you know I love you” I said jumping up onto the counter. “hey honey, I love you too. But what do you want?” she asked turning away from the counter “can I please, please go on the field trip next week?” I asked putting my hands how you usually pray in front of my chest. “I already said no and you know when I say no I mean no” she said turning back to chopping whatever she was chopping. I sighed and hopped off the counter “where do you think you are going missy? We have to talk, now” mum said. “okay, so I have been waiting to tell you this for years now but never had the right chance to tell you” she stopped and put carrots in the pot. “you are special, no one else is like you, have you ever noticed that when ever you do something you are always really good a first try?” mum asked turning to me. I nodded “well there is a big reason to why that is, your father does not know, but the thing is you are the same as me” she stopped again to get something out of the fridge.

“How can I say this you are a, well an-“she was cut off by a sudden big bang then a scream. Rose, it came from Rose’s room. I quickly ran up the stairs and went to her door but it was locked and then I heard another bang “MUM!” I yelled but no answer. I quickly turned to look at my right, left then down the stairs. Flames. Flames they are all around. Then I put my hand on the door and felt it was really hot.

“No, no, no. Rose can you hear me?” I screamed “SISSY, HELP me..” she was yelling but then her voice was cut short and soft. I kicked and banged until I was about to give up but then out of no where I heard my mums voice ‘Amber you will have to do it on your own’ I started to spin ‘look up my dear’. I looked up and there up above me was my mother with white wings from her shoulders then next to her Rose. She was wearing a whiter gown that went down to her feet and she also had white small wings.

“What do you mean do it on my own?” I asked still admiring there wings ‘we are gone and there is nothing you can do to stop us from going do you hear me nothing. You are an angel Amber you are a special kind, more powerful then any other. Wizer then the oldest of all angels, you have special powers even I don’t have. You are special’ she said in a voice that echoed. Then my brother and dad where next to come both wearing a white suit with white wings well my fathers were but Fin’s were a slight grey.

‘I love you very much and never forget it’ my mother, father, brother and sister said in sync then there was a bright light they were gone. Then I fell to the ground, I heard sirens outside and then it all went black.

I then woke up in the hospital.

Do you see how your life can change I a course of a minute, a second. It can change right in front of your eyes but you have no way too stop it from happening it will just happen. So from that day on vowed on my soul to never forget, to never give up and of course never stop trying.

So how did you like my first chapter of Halo was it good or was it bad.

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Love all (not in that way)

Paige XX

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