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                           Chapter 2                


23 April 2013,

I was laying in the my room of the scary, disgusting, girls only foster home. “Ahh” I groan. “Fiona shut that stupid mouth of yours’’ I yelled getting of my bed and going to the bathroom “also HURRY THE FLUFF UP” I yelled as you can tell I hate swearing. I started to bang on the door “you know you love my voice and I love you so much” Fiona says in a sing song voice.

‘well do you know what?” I asked “what?” Fiona asked “also will you pleas-“ I cut Fiona off “for the last flipping time I am not into you and nor am I lesbian” I say the end in a whisper “oh, please, please, please will you” Fiona begged falling to her knees a soon as she opened the door. I groaned “no and hurry up we have got to get to first class otherwise mother June will be very mad”.

As you can tell I am in a Christen foster home and we have to call all of the nurses mother blah, blah, blah. Annoying a. I am least favourite out of most nurses. Because, I have orange hair, left handed, late for every class even dinner, naughty, as they like to say ‘cooled hearted, bewitched young lady’ crazy you say. I have to live with it. I have no friends but all the lesbians fall at my feet and don’t even think that I am no I am as straight as they get.

Every chance I get I sneak out to the boy foster home 1 mile down the road and come home drunk. Also another reason they hate me the most. But there is one teacher how is around 21 and has the hots for me (it was a huge whisper marathon then mother May said it was true so tada) anyway, today after mass there is going to be another meeting with all the children that are 16 or 17 and people who are interested.

*After mass*

All the 16 and 17 year old witch means me too. Are all in the hall chatting. I am sitting in my cair on the stage when a women comes up to me “hi” she says happily and loud enough for all the nurses to turn and gasp “what is the matter with them?” she asked me “I am the witch as they like to call me” I mutter under my breath but loud enough for the lady to hear. “Now why would they call you that?” she asked taking a seat next to me. I moved my chair a little away from her “now darlin’ don’t be afraid” she said putting a hand on my shoulder I just shrugged it off. “Well my name is Darla” she says in an American accent I only just realized.

“Amber?” I said and it sounded more like a question “well it was nice meting you Amber I will keep you in mind for adoption” she said with a smile and walked off. “What was that?” I ask myself I shack my head. In one minute the Adults and foster parent wannabes will go in the office and decide who will go with who and who will stay then they will come and get the lucky ones (as I like to call it) and take them into the office and tell then the good news.

*Half an Hour later*

I felt a tap on the shoulder and looked to see the, oh no, the person who collects the lucky ones. “Amber it is your lucky day” Mother May said in a happy tone yet with a sad look on her face. I looked around to see all the girls well lesbians staring at me with sad eyes. ‘I don’t want amber to leave” someone said “she can’t go” another girl said “why, why, WHY?!” someone yelled “my baby is leaving me” I heard none other then Fiona whine.

I got out of my seats and then all the girls started to cry “girls these days May” she just let out a sob ‘not you to, don’t worry I will vist, I promise” I said patting her back. She just nodded.

As soon as I got into the office I saw Darla sitting in a chair with adoption forms. She looked up and saw me standing there “Hey, Amber, do you know who just got adopted? You did” she said in a very, very excited tone it was actually scary. “come on I will go help you pack you stuff” she said walking towards the door.

I walked out behind my new mum. (wow that sounded weird). Darla had a tall body, she was not skinny nor fat but more on the fat side. She had long dark brown hair. Completely different from my light orange hair. She has a long pointy nose, full pink lips, dark brown eyes and is totally married.

“Are you married?” I asked out of curiosity “yes” she said with a chuckle “not to to be rude but how old are you? Where do you live? And why is he not here?” I asked “turn left then number 230 is my room I share” I said. “well to answer your first question 32, I live in California and Darren is not here because he said I could get our child” she said with a dreamy sigh at the end.

As we entered my room she went straight over to my bed and “well where do we start?” she asked with a big smile. I really like this gal.

“Well all of my main stuff is in the top of my wardrobe, but I will get that and as for the rest all I really need is my clothes and personal stuff” I said walking over to my wardrobe. I opened the top draw, Oh My, I forgot what I put in this draw. It had some of Roses, Fins, Mums and dads stuff. I picked up a pitcher of me, Rose and Fin in front of Airs Rock. As I picked it up I fell to the ground and all of a sudden I heard a scream. Who was that?. Then I realised it was me, I screamed, I was a bundle of weak, worthless nothing ness. Then I heard the weirdest thing,

Don’t think that.  

After I heard that it went black.

How was this chapter. Good, bad don’t care all that matters is that I got a chapter up. XD

Hope you enjoyed my loves.

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Love always

Paige xxo

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