Author's Note

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The sequel is out! It's called "Fixed"!

Thank you so much for reading my story! I hope you enjoy it, I'm really excited about it. But just remember I need readers to keep writing. A few things before the story begins.

- Don't leave nasty comments. I don't mind feedback, but I don't need anyone telling me how my story sucks.

- Make sure to comment, like, and fan. I think I'll dedicate chapters to whoever comments first in said chapter.

- I'm super excited about this and I want you to be excited too! This book is one of my number one priorities right now, because I want to give back to all you wonderful people who have written stories that I can enjoy.

- Finally, don't advertise in my comment section. I don't want an overload of "Read my books"!

Thank you if you're still reading this, I hope you enjoy!

- Jessica <3

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