First Encounter

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The sequel is out! It's called "Fixed"!

"Hey," I said to Emma at lunch. I sat next to her and all her friends watched me curiously.

"Kat! This is Bryan," she pointed to a skinny blonde boy who smirked at me, "This is Taylor, Bryan's girlfriend," she pointed to the girl seemingly attached to Bryan's side, "And this is Kelsey." She nodded at a shy brunette. I smiled to each of them and when lunch was over, I knew I was accepted into their little group.

"Ms. Evans, what's the square root of 32?" Mrs. Chapman asked later that day when she realized I was asleep.

"Um, 12?" I asked, my sleepy mind not really understanding the question. A guy in the back snickered at me. I wanted to throw my shoe at his face. I giggled at the idea. Mrs. Chapman looked at me in disapproval, and just as I was about to respond, Kale walked in the room.

"Yo," he greeted Mrs. Chapman. As much as I hated that woman, I had to teach this kid some respect.

"Excuse me," I started, "How about you greet her properly and stop being a pain in the ass to everyone?" I regretted it right after I spoke. Kale turned to me.

"Why don't you shut the hell up?" he growled.

"Make me," I said back, with just as much venom in my voice. I knew everyone's heads were turning to look at me, but I ignored their stares.

"Maybe I will," Kale walked to my desk. I stood up to look intimidating, but even as I stood tall (5'3"), Kale towered over me by at least a foot.

"What are you going to do? Hit a girl?" I asked. My brain wasn't even working anymore. My mouth was trying to kill me.

"I would never," Kale said, his eyes brightening. Seeing him happy was scarier than seeing him angry. He touched my face gently. "Oh, love," his eyes turned dark again, "I won't hit you," then he leaned in. "But you would love if I did; I know you like it rough." Then he walked away, smirking.

"Um," was all I could manage. The rest of the day flew by and Kathryn picked me and Colton up. On the way to the house, I asked Colton, "Why does Kathryn pick you up? Can't you drive?" Kathryn smirked and answered my question, whereas Colton just blushed.

"Colton here got his license suspended. Turns out the cops don't like people drinking and driving." She shot a look at Colton. I laughed and asked,

"How could you be so stupid?" I must have hit a nerve because he didn't answer me and when we got home, he stomped upstairs. Oops, I thought. That night went by very quickly and I was Skyping with Angie in the morning.

"So tell me all about everything!" Angie demanded. I told her about the incident with Kale and she just died laughing. "He's totally into you!"

"Ha, you're funny," I said flatly.

"He totally is!"

"Is not."


"Is not."


"Fine, whatever floats your boat," I said, rolling my eyes.

"So I win!" Angie exclaimed. I laughed and said goodbye. I went to take a shower and got ready for school. I was excited about today - I could tryout for my new school's track team. I shoved my track clothes into a gym bag and ran out the door. Kathryn couldn't drive us today, so we had to walk.

I made my way to all my classes, without any run-ins with Kale, which was good. Before I knew it, school was over. It was finally time to go back to what I do best - hurdles.

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