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Trolls were bad to look at; everyone knows that. Even people who have never seen a real troll. But what not everybody knows, is that trolls smell worse than they look. I had to cover my nose for fear of losing my sense of smell.

I don't know how Bilbo was surviving the stench. Somehow he had been over there for who knows how long, and he hasn't vomited yet.

When Bilbo got caught by the troll I was about to jump into the clearing when a rough hand grabbed my arm and pulled me down. I think everyone can guess who that was. Thorin yanks me to the ground and glares at me. normal. I try a few more times to get away and help the hobbit, but each time the grumpy dwarf king stops me.

"Why can't I go?" I whine. If we don't do something Bilbo will get eaten or Killed. either way he's dead.

"Because I don't want to attack unless we have to."

"So in other words you don't care a bloody thing about Bilbo."

"You think what you like." He turns to the others and starts giving more orders. our conversation is now over.  Before anyone can stop him, Kili jumps out and slashes at the troll. He hits him in the leg and the troll screams in pain.

"Drop him!" Kili shouts. His face is tense yet he looks like he's quite enjoying himself.

"You what?" The largest troll asks Dumbly.

"I said— drop him." Surprisingly the beast obeys and tosses bilbo. The hobbit goes sailing through the air and lands on top of Kili causing them both to fall over. Thorin suddenly charges forward and swings his sword at the troll. The others burst through the tree line and attack the trolls. I take the opportunity to ignore Thorin's orders. Instead of running headfirst into the battle I sneak around to the other side of the clearing. I can stand on the ledge and look down at the fight. The trolls look like they have bugs crawling on them. The dwarves are all over the place. For creature that are not known for gracefulness, they are quite agile. Bilbo manages to get a knife and he starts sawing at the ponies cage. I have no time to think about this when I hear a cry for help. A troll makes a go at Ori and nearly squashes him. I draw my sword and lunge on the trolls back. The ugly thing squeals as soon as my sword digs into its back. It spins around and tries to fling me off, but I keep a tight grip on the hilt of my sword. The troll's hide is tough so it takes a minute for me for me to pull the blade out. When it finally comes out the troll flings me off and I fly into a pine tree. The branches snap and break under my weight and I fall to the ground . My leg smashes against a rock and my cape remains stuck in the branches above. I attempt to rip it out, but it rips. I keep pulling but a giant shadow passes over me. I look up to face the hideous face of a troll.

"Oh look, a female. Soft and tender." The troll wraps a warty hand around my waist and pulls me up. The cape chokes me so I undo the clasp and allow it to fall to dangle in the branches. The troll walks toward his friends, but I still have my bow and arrows. I draw an arrow and load it in my bow. The feathers are a ebony black and the shaft of the arrow is a rich brown wood. I aim carefully for the trolls eyes. Its weakest spot. I let the arrow go and it darted right right into the eye of the beast. It screamed and dropped me. The ground came closer and closer. But when I hit, I hit a person.

"Get off me!" Whoever I landed on shouted. before I can roll off myself he pushes me off. Thorin doesn't look happy.

"Sorry." He growls and storms away. i stand up and brush myself off. But when I look up a terrible sight awaits me. Bilbo is being held by his arms and legs. He looks absolutely terrified.

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