Nightmares of Nightmares

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The sun was barely up when I woke. I sat up quickly in cold sweat, and my body was trembling. I looked around the room. All the dwarves were still asleep, but they were stirring. I had probably thirty minutes before they would wake. I stretch out my aching body from my head to my-- Tail? I take a good look at myself. Instead of a young woman I was a large leopard. The sound of someone yawing made me panic. If anyone saw me like this they would kill me. I couldn't risk getting caught.
I ran quietly on my padded feet and grabbed my weapons in my mouth. The real problem was opening the door. I tried to grasp the handle but being an animal creates problems. I heard a door open and that triggered my escape instincts. My animal took over and I shifted into a black cat. The cat took off leaving my weapons and cloak behind. It darted to the kitchen and pried it's body through a crack in the window.

My cat form ran and ran until it reached the forest. When I reached a clearing of pine trees I tried to gain control of my actions. When my instinct takes over I have to battle my own body to gain control. The battle difficulties vary depending on the emotion. When anger takes over I shift into either a lion or a dragon. The battle for control is extremely difficult in this case. when I am sad or depressed I turn into a bird most of the time. That battle is much easier. But panic, that is nearly impossible to win on my own. So I have to wait it out, and hopefully I can switch back before the dwarves start to get curious.

I rarely have the dream anymore. The last time I had it was years ago. And every time I have it I wake up screaming or crying. Or both. That day was the worst day of my life. The day my sister was killed, and the day I killed my first dragon.

I was young, no older than fifteen. I was just getting used to the shifting and bursts of magic. I couldn't control it.

It happened after I ran away from my mother after our father died. She was unable to take care of us so I tried to take my ten year old sister and run. But she had such a soft heart. she assured me that she could bring mother back. And if she had more time she probably could have. Mother always liked Lila more. Unlike me Lila didn't inherit any powers of abilities, so she was considered the normal one. and both my parents loved her. According to them I was a curse, a monster never meant to exist.
But Lila was special. And I didn't care about our differences. I loved Lila more than anything else.

So when she persuaded me to leave I did. I went to the North and traveled for a while. That is when I met Caroline and we became rangers. That's when we spotted a shadow. A winged beast that was as large as a whale and could breath fire. It was a fire drake, the same one that killed my father. Caro and I tracked the beast all the way back to my home town. I swore that I would kill that creature.
I ran to my house and found my mother and sister. Mother was better, better enough to say some pretty harsh things when she saw me. My sister looked weary and sad. Her normally rosey cheeks were now a pale grey. Her hair was matted and tangly, she was so thin that her clothes were hanging off her like rags.
I cursed myself, because if I had stayed she would have been better taken care of.
Then the dragon roar and fire rained down upon our town. The house was lit up like a torch and we were trapped like mice.

My mother made it out of the house before we did. She ran outside and straight into the hands of the orcs. they came and raided our village and killed our people. the streets ran red with the blood of innocent children. My sister and I watched from a burning window as our mother was torn to shreds at the hand of the pale orc. Azog the defiler. I grabbed Lila and covered her body before jumping through the window. Caro was helping whoever she could. Many were spared that day because of the young elf. I left Lila with the survivors of the flames. Caro and I fought the orcs and killed most of them before Azog ordered a retreat. Then the dragon swooped down and laid more waste to the village. whatever wasn't on fire was now ablaze and what was left was burned to ash.

The dragon spotted us and flew to the ground. When he landed the ground shook like an earthquake. He looked us right in the eye and crept toward us.
Caro charged first and lept on the dragons back. she randomly stabbed with her sword creating nothing but small dents in the dragons armor. I dodged the dragons flailing limbs and dove underneath hoping for a soft spot on the belly. Those scales were not as protective but it did little against the beast. Having no success underneath the drake, I ran out only to have Caroline come crashing into me. We fought as long as we could, but then the dragon spotted the evacuating villagers. He leapt into the air and flew over to the small group. Lila was with them.
Caro and I ran as fast as we could to help the group, but it was too late. The dragon had devoured half of the people. bodies littered the plain and the grass was stained red. I searched desperately for my sister but when I spotted her, My heart was torn in two.
When I found her she was sailing through the air into the mouth of the dragon.

I remember shouting, screaming , and cursing the dragon. And the burst of rage made me shift into my own dragon. I attacked the beast and eventually I snapped its neck and the beast fell down dead.

That night I stayed as a dragon and just destroyed anything. Forests, plains, I even set a grassland on fire. I blacked out miles away from the scene of the attack.
After that I changed back into a human, but I was different. I was cold, heartless, empty. I didn't eat or sleep for weeks. I was a mess of a creature.

But Caro found me. She nursed me back to health and gave me things to do so I wasn't just sitting around sulking. Five years after the attack I had settled back into life. I was working. Then many years later a wizard found me.

When I woke I was in the forest outside of the Shire. I was back in human form and when I looked at myself in a pool of water it looks like I have been crying. I gather up what ever I had brought with me and start looking for the road. I have a company of dwarves to catch up with.

'I just hope they haven't left without me.'

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