Chapter 1: The beginning

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King and Lionheart – Of Monsters and Men

It was a dark stormy day. The thunder rumbled and lightning lit up the sky. In a small cave on the side of the tallest mountain lay a white dragon. She was curled around a blue egg. At her side stood a dark blue dragon.
”It’s time, Fulgur,” the dark blue dragon smiled at the white one.
”We’re coming, Umbra,” Fulgur smiled back.
She gently wrapped her tail around the egg, carrying it to the top of the mountain, which was just above the flouds. There she laid the egg in the middle of the flat mountain top before taking her place on the opposite side of the egg to her mate.
”Et fulgur ledo summitatem, et fulgur ledo summitatem…” she chanted, and Umbra soon joined in.
As they chanted, the thunder got louder and dark clouds circled the mountain. The clouds flickered and crackled with loaded energy which getting ready to release.
And then, BOOM, came the loud explosion as the energy released into a lightning bolt stronger than any other. It hit the egg, which crackled with energy.
There was steam coming from the egg as it cooled down. The two dragons watched carefully as the egg started moving. There was a crack, then another, and soon enough there was a small snout sticking out of the egg.
The two dragons move closer as the small snout disappeared into the egg, only to appear through a new hole. The baby dragon quickly worked through the shell, and soon its entire head stuck out of the egg. As he did so, the clouds instantly cleared, making the water drops reflect an array of colors onto his pale blue scales.
”Arcus…” Umbra whispered.
”Huh?” Fulgur looked at him.
”His name. We’ll call him Arcus,” Umbra answered, speaking louder this time.
Fulgur just gave him a short nod as she looked at her newborn son. His purple eyes reflected the lightning that hit the egg, daringly vibrant with power. She slowly made her way over to him and placed her nose on top of his head.
”Arcus, my little boy. We expect great things from you,” she whispered.

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