Chapter 11: Fire and venom

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Yellow – Coldplay
If I die young – Micheal Henry & Robinett

Arcus wore a blank expression as he entered the throne room. His gaze rested on his uncle. Nimbus was stood at the front of the throne room with the kings crown beside him. Venero stood to the right of the throne which Arcus was soon to own. Nimbus smiled at him as he began walking down the carpet. He stopped in front of the other dragon, still wearing a blank expression before he turned to face his kingdom.
”Before we begin, I’d like to welcome each and every dragon here today! Today is a joyous day, and the day I can finally call my dear nephew the new king,” he turned back to his nephew, his smile even brighter if that was even possible. Though his energy seemed to dull as he was met by a blank expression once again.
”Let the ceremony begin,” he spoke, this time more formally.
”Do you, Arcus Nebula, son of Umbra Nebula, promise to uphold the laws and values of this kingdom, and to protect it, even at the cost of your own life?” he asked formally.
”Of course,” Arcus answered in an equally formally tone.
”Then, in the name of King Umbra Nebula, I hereby crown you, Arcus Nebula, as the next king of The Air Kingdom,” his eyes shone with pride as he raised the crown towards Arcus head.

Before he could put the crown on the kings head, there was a loud noise down the hall and moments later Ignis burst through the door, dragging two guards behind him. His wings were lit up, shining with the fire of the underground. With ease, he shook off the guards who fell to the ground with a loud thud. The guests cowered among themselves, while Arcus only gave a blank stare, barely even looking at the fire dragon. Venero glared at the fire king, but he didn’t seem surprised either.
Ignis landed on the ground, sparks emitting as he did. His eyes were locked on Arcus, looking at him as if there was nothing else in the room.
”What do you need, King Ignis?” Arcus spoke, his voice void of emotion.
”Arcus, please. Don’t you see what you’re doing? Veneros hurting your kingdom. He’s manipulating you,” Ignis tried.
”And how is that your business? You’re not an air dragon, and you live in the underground. What we do up here rarely ever has an effect on you or your kingdom,” he spoke, this time in a more annoyed tone.
”Because I care about you, dammit!” they burst out.
For a moment it was as if Arcus was struck by emotion, before his face yet again turned blank.
”You? Care about him? Don’t make me laugh. You hurt him and kept him away from his throne,” Venero spoke up.
”I did it to keep him safe because that’s what he wanted. He didn’t want the throne, nor’ anything to do with his parents. They cast him out of his own kingdom for goodness sake!” they growled.
Gasps and whispers emitted among the crowd.
”And why would you care about what I wanted?” Arcus spoke, though you could tell there was a smile trying to break out across his face.
”Because I love you, you idiot!” Ignis confessed loudly.
A look of shock passed his face before Arcus started curling in on himself. Purple smoke was coming out his eyes, which glowed in light blue. Suddenly, he began lifting of the ground, his scales reflecting rainbow light all around the room. The smoke became thinner and thinner before vanishing as his eyes glowed brighter. The light faded ever so slightly, finally allowing his expression to come through. He locked eyes with Ignis before turning to the poison dragon. His expression grew grim as they locked eyes, while Veneros eyes widened.
”For a dragon who speaks so highly of loyalty you sure lack it, Venero Saines,” he spoke calmly, his voice echoing across the room.
”A-arcus, I can explain,” Venero stuttered as the air dragon towered over him, still in the air.
”There is no need,” he turned to the crowd for a short moment. ”I, Arcus Nebula, hereby ban you from the Air kingdom. Though, before you may leave, I have a few things to take care of with you. I trust that will be no problem?” he growled.
Venero looked around for a moment as if looking for an escape, before muttering a soft yes.
”I didn’t quite catch that, could you repeat it?” Arcus growled threateningly as he gathered a ball of lightning beside him.
”Yes, King Arcus,” Venero answered through gritted teeth.

Arcus landed on the ground, watching as the guards neared the poison dragon. He stood with his head down. He watched as they tied ropes around Venero, tying his mouth shut in the process. Though as soon as they started reached the middle of the hall, purple smoke filled the room. You could only hear a thud of the ropes hitting the ground before the crowd began panicking.
”Guards, get everyone outside!” Arcus called out.
The crowd of dragons all began pushing towards the door, but Arcus remained in the room. He caught sight of a light in the smoke. As he moved towards it he realized it was Ignis who was using his powers to light up the view around him.
”Ignis,” he let out a sigh of relief.
”Arcus, you’re okay,” Ignis smiled.
”Have you caught any sight of Venero?” Arcus asked slowly.
Though before Ignis could answer, Arcus caught sight of movement in the smoke. Ignis seemed to see it as well.
”Venero, you coward! Show yourself!” they called out.
An ominous laugh echoed across the room.
”I’m the coward here? Last I checked I’m not the one who stayed behind while my family went to fight for their nation,” Veneros voice echoed.
Ignis growled, still looking around.
”And how sad that ended. To think a small conflict lead to you being the only royal fire dragon left. I bet they’re so disappointed in you,” the echoed voice chuckled.
”Leave my family out of this!” Ignis growled, tail lashing around in the smoke.
”I just thought it’d be better if the dragon you love so much knew how much of a disappointment and coward you really are. You’re no king they’d be proud of. I wonder what you’re brother would think of you now,” his voice was sweet, as if talking to a child.
”Don’t you dare bring my little brother into this,” Ignis entire body lit up in rage as he spoke.
”They always said that Daemon would be a better king. He would have had the strength to protect his loved ones, unlike you, who couldn’t even stop me from controlling your dear friend,” he chuckled.
”I said, DON’T TALK ABOUT MY BROTHER,” Ignis roared as he launched a stream of fire into the smoke. His eyes were glowing with heated rage.
Arcus barely had time to jump out the way. He hissed in pain as part of it hit his tail.
”Careful now. You wouldn’t want to hurt the new king, would you?” his voice came from behind them.
”SILENCE!” Ignis flung himself around, sending more fire into the smoke.
Arcus eyes narrowed as he watched the smoke around him, focusing on finding movement. Soon enough he caught sight of a shape moving behind the fire king, who was still casting fire into the smoke. He watched as the shape grew closer, curling up as if preparing to launch at the fire dragon. That’s when he noticed the black liquid coming from Venero’s fangs. Memories of his own fathers death circled around his mind as he narrowed his eyes at the poison dragon.
With a burst of air, he launched himself at the poisonous dragon. His mind went blank as he moved closer, the only thing he could think of was coming between the poison- and fire dragon. He let out a yelp of pain as fangs pierced his skin and he could feel the poison seep into his bloodstream.
He saw a blurred figure of Venero fly through a window before he fell to the ground. Ignis called out to him, but he couldn’t hear a word, and soon the entire world turned black.

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