Chapter 9: A cloud of purple

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Devil town - Cavetown
Blue eyes like the Devils water - McCafferty

After the incident with Venero, Arcus ordered for a meeting with all the guardians in the cave of crystals.

"Alright, now that everyone is here, explain," he ordered out, looking at Ignis.
"Perhaps we should enlighten the other two with what happened first," Ignis suggested calmly. Arcus nodded along reluctantly as he explained their meeting with Venero, only jumping in once he was finished.
"Venero said something about some powers I inherited from my dad. I've heard all of you mention this when you thought I was unaware, and I think it's time you explain," Arcus hissed impatiently. Terra sighed, looking at Nympha for a moment before meeting Arcus gaze.

"So, you see. There's a reason only very few dragons can inherit the throne in all kingdoms. Everyone here was specifically born for their role, you included. Unlike me, you, Nympha and Ignis inherited these powers from your parents, as they transfer down your bloodline. Not all children of parents with power inherit said powers of course, but the one that does gets the throne. We all know you don't want that at all, so we thought you'd be happier away from the powers and responsibility that comes with it," Terra explained.
"So you thought I'd be better off not knowing?! I'm not a kid you know! I have a right to know stuff about myself!" Arcus hissed.
"Do you realize what this means?! As the one with air powers, you are the rightful ruler that the kingdom is waiting for!" Ignis burst out.
"Then that's what I'll be. That responsibility is mine now," Arcus said coldly before taking the same route his parents once took out of the crystal cave.

The air dragons had began fixing up to their homes and by now most homes were cleaned up and safe to be in, including the castle. They still had yet to move most of the dragons back to their homes. Arcus flew right to the castle. The guards greeted him with a nod, but the light in their eyes showed just how pleased they were to have their prince back.
"This way, I'll take you to Lord Nimbus," one of them said as they opened the gate. Arcus followed him into the once familiar castle and to Nimubs study. The guard knocked on the door and was met by a muffled "come in." Nimbus turned around to see his niece.
"Arcus, what a lovely surprise! What brings you to the air castle?" he smiled.
"Did you know about the powers?" Arcus asked, not bothering to beat around the bush.
"I did. I've seen you use them ever so lightly in your childhood. But the queen asked me to keep it secret until you were ready to be king. The last time I saw my brother, when we found the first case of the sickness, he asked me the same before he left. He asked that I take over until you were ready if something were to happen to him. I didn't understand it at the time, but I think he knew something about his death. I, like most of the kingdom, already thought you were dead, but he believed you were still out there," he explained as his eyes glossed over.

"He knew about it, but how? Did he meet Venero?" Arcus thoughts twirled around his head.

"I need to see him," he whispered to himself.
"What was that?" Nimbus asked, looking at the prince.
"Oh, it's nothing. I just remembered I have something to do," he said, excusing himself before rushing out the door and out the castle.

He flew around for an hour or so, thinking out loud.
"Where the sun never sets?" he mumbled to himself. He mindlessly looked around, before a thought came to mind. He set direction for the highest mountain around, which happened to be just behind the mountain that held the cave of crystals. It's flat peak was just above the clouds, leaving it under the sun no matter the weather. That was where Arcus egg had once been hatched.

He landed on the flat surface, taking note of the still darkened part where lightning had struck his egg 21 years ago. It only took a moment before a purple cloud of smoke appeared in front of him.

"You actually came. I was beginning to doubt you would," Venero chuckled.
"You met my father before he died, didn't you?" he growled.
"So that's what brought you here," he chuckled.
"Answer the question," he hissed impatiently.
"Yes, yes I did. I thought it'd be a shame for him to die not knowing how undeserving of you he was. And of course that, thanks to him, his entire kingdom would fall into my hands, with you by my side of course," he smirked, chuckling slightly.
"Why? Why hurt innocent people who did nothing to you?" Arcus exclaimed.
"Simple, I needed to try the poison and it's spreadability of course. After a few tries, it was the perfect weapon to get rid of the king and queen. All I had to do was poison a servant and wait. Plus, the rest chased me out just as harshly as the queen herself did," he explained, laughing at the end.
"And you did all of this, just to become king?" Arcus shuddered at the thought.
"Oh I actually don't find the throne that desirable. It's you I want dear, you were promised to me. The throne is just an added bonus," Venero moved closer to the other dragon.
"You did all of this, just to have me?! That's sick, like really sick!" he backed away.
"Now now Arcus, watch your mouth. I bet your dear mother would be so displeased," he smirked.
"You don't get to talk about the queen," he growled, getting ready to launch himself at the venomous dragon.

Before he could leap, the other dragon disappeared in another cloud of purple smoke. Arcus spun around, hissing as he tried to catch sight of the other dragon. Before he could react, the smoke cloud appeared behind him. He spun around, hissing as a burst of air flew out around him. The fear in his eyes was clear as daylight.

"Impressive prince Arcus. Now let's get down to buisness," Venero chuckled as he stood facing the air dragon.
"What do you want?" he hissed.
"Simple. I want you to help me get revenge," he smiled.
"On who?" he asked, seemingly relaxing a tiny bit.
"Everyone who has wronged us. Your kingdom abandoned us both, the so called guardians lied to you and your parents hurt you," Veneros eyes gleamed with lust for revenge.
"The guardians were only doing what's best for me," Arcus argued.
"Isn't that just what they want you to think? They lied to you before, how do you know they won't again?" he pointed out, eyes lighting up.
"I know them! They wouldn't hurt me on purpose," he argued back.
"Or do you just know who you think they are? Noone told you about your powers, not even the uncle you love so dearly," Venero hissed softly, his eyes glowing purple.
"But they did it to protect me," Arcus voice softened.
"That's what they want you to believe! Your mother just wanted you to be powerless against her and the king! Who says they aren't the same?!" Venero raised his voice slightly as his eyes turned brighter.
He took a deep breath before continuing.
"They don't care about you Arcus, all they want is power over you. That's honestly the one thing I can say I don't want. I've never lied to you, on the contrary, I'm the only one who hasn't so far," he explained, voice softening as he worked his hypnotizing magic.
"B-but, they..." Arcus stammered, not coming up with anything.
"They betrayed you," Venero said steadily, staring into his eyes.
Arcus visibly deflated as his previously raised body sunk into a slouch. His thoughts felt different, and his mind told him to trust in the purple dragon.

"They betrayed me," he repeated in a whisper.
What Arcus couldn't see was the large grin that covered the venomous dragons face as he comforted the air dragon. Arcus eyes closed as purple smoke surrounded them, and soon enough his hypnosis was complete. When he opened them again, it was as if all his memories were rearranged and edited, leaving him slightly drowsy.

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