Chapter 5: A different kind of storm

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TW!: Character death, violence, blood

Don’t you worry child – Madilyn Bailey
Let you down – NF

Arcus wasn’t the same after the meeting. He would mostly spend his time in the forests, away from any and all other creatures, sulking in a feeling of numbness. He’d rarely eat and barely slept. The only time you’d get a glimpse of him was if you were fortunate enough to see him out on a walk in the deepest parts of the woods. Terra tried her best to get him out to socialize, but most of the time it would end with him lashing out at her. Yet she never gave up on him.

”Hey Sky,” Terra greeted the blue dragon, finding him after a 2-hour search.
”Hey Terra. What do you need?” Arcus greeted her somberly.
”I’m not here to force you out, this time,” she chuckled.
You could almost see the sky dragons body relax as she clarified.
”May I tell you a story?” she smiled at him.
”Do as you please,” he scoffed softly.
Terra sat down beside him as he curled up his lower body into a sitting like position.
”I want to tell you a story about us earth dragons, or rather a true legend,” she smiled at him.
Arcus looked at her with a skeptical look.
”You already know that the role of the earth guardian isn’t passed down from parent to child, do you know why that is?” she asked.
”I didn’t even know that was a thing, so no,” he sighed.

”Well, it’s because that’s never been the case with us earth dragons.
Long, long ago, at the same time the first water creatures took their first steps on land, there was a seed. This seed grew into a dragon that even the dinosaurs bowed down to. With horns of woven trees and vines, a thick mane of fur, thick scaled skin and claws of stone. This dragon was the very first earth dragon, a dragon much bigger than any other we’ve ever seen. They were created to guard the earth and it’s new inhabitants. They were big and strong enough for the water, fire and air kingdoms to let them have the earth, as the new fourth kingdom. Before then, the land had been divided between the fire and water kingdom in constant conflict.

And when it was the guardians time to leave this life after a long, long rule, they ventured deep into the woods, where they planted another seed. This seed grew into the next earth dragon. And as soon as that dragon had hit adulthood at 25 years old and was ready to become the next guardian, the first ruler ventured back to the place where both their seeds had been planted.
And there, it is said that their horns grew into a massive tree which quickly planted root in the soil around them.

And now, they only awaken to plant new seeds and raise the next rulers until they’re ready to take over the job. And as they awaken to plant a seed, they let out a roar only earth dragons can hear, and 25 years later, they will call the current ruler to step down and join them in the forest of the forgotten.

And that is why we earth dragons have fluid genders and can easily change, because we are born from a seed, without any biological interference. Instead, our bodies change after our mind. There have been many, many earth dragons, some of them switching between genders, some sticking to one and some even living without a gender. I myself, as you know, have been female almost my entire life, as that is what I am most comfortable as, but that’s different from dragon to dragon,” she ended the story with a spark in her eye.
Arcus sat in silence for a moment, looking away, before turning his gaze onto her.

”So, what was the first one’s name?” Arcus asked.
”Their name was Robus,” Terra smiled.
”Then, do you have any memory of Robus?” Arcus asked uncertainly.
”No. That is a part of their magic. As soon as they’re done training us and they call the current guardian to step down, all our memories of them are erased. I assume it’s their way of not giving extra stress to the new guardian,” she smiled.

“Oh, then, do you know any other guardian?” he asked.
”I’ve only seen one other, the one who came before me. Her name was Orchitis. She was a great queen, with a white coat, pink wings and a long neck sheltered by a mane in white, pink and gray. A flower crown of pink flowers sat on top of her head, and her eyes were an emerald green. I only saw her briefly on her way back to the forest of the forgotten. Though that was many, many years ago now,” her eyes sparkled, and she let out a small chuckle.
”So, you earth dragons are very different from one another?” he asked, his curiosity peeking.
”Just like any other type of dragon,” she chuckled with a gentle pat to his head.
Arcus shyed away before letting out a playful hiss. Quicker than lightning, he swerved around her before rushing up a tree. Terra laughed as she looked around, trying to find the blue dragon, which was veering down at her from a branch above.

”So, guess you’re feeling a bit better,” she chuckled, meeting his eye.
”You could say that again. It’s almost like I was hit by lightning just now. The energy is just flowing through me,” he laughed.

Their mindless banter was cut short though as the sky suddenly opened, heavy rain pouring down. Arcus left the tree, floating slightly above Terra.

”It’s not supposed to storm yet, is it?” he asked.
”No, Umbra told me he’d wait at least two more days, and that was for a light rain,” she agreed, looking up at the sky with a suspicious glare.

Before Arcus could interrupt, Terra flapped her wings and left the ground with a powerful ”whoosh”. He followed her reluctantly as she set pace for the air castle.
The thunder soared all around them, and the clouds crackled with loaded energy. It was to the point where Terra had to swerve around in the air to avoid getting hit by the lightning shooting around them.

They finally managed to land on one of the many landing balconies. Arcus entire body was screaming at him to turn around. He couldn’t explain it, but his gut was sensing something terribly wrong.
”I think it’s best I take the lead. I have a horrible feeling about this,” Arcus spoke quietly.
Terra gave him a nod of her head. Her mane was slightly raised, like the hair on the back of a growling dog.

Arcus ventured into the castle, swerving through the many corridors. He slowly started to push open the door to the throne room. But before it was entirely opened, something slammed against it, sending Arcus flying backwards. He balanced himself in the air, before landing again.

”Umbra?” he called out uncertainly.
The only response he got was a quiet hissing noise.
”Stay here, I’ll try the door on the other side,” he whispered to Terra.

He quickly made his way to the other side of the throne room.
He opened the small door behind the thrones quietly and quickly hid behind the king’s throne.
He peeked out from behind the throne to find his father aggressively hissing at the door on the other side of the room.

”Umbra?” he called out uncertainly.
He froze as he met the king’s gaze. His eyes were completely black, reflecting no emotion or sign of life. The throne room around them was covered in scratch and teeth marks, and the pillows and carpet that decorated it was torn apart.
The king remained still for a second, before launching himself at his son. His moves were fast, but mindless and clumsy, which made it easy for Arcus to evade him. Umbra crashed into the door, slamming it shut. He shook his head, as if to clear it, which caused black blood to splash around him.
”Umbra!” Arcus half pleaded, half shouted, trying to shake the other dragon from his frenzy. The only response he got was a hissing sound as Umbra prepared to charge again. The king curled up his body before charging like a snake yet again. Arcus evaded him again, and he crashed into the ground. By now there was black blood running down his cheeks and chin, dripping down onto the ground.

But this time, he stopped. The king was looking down into the pool forming on the ground beneath him, and for a moment sadness contorted his face. He looked up at Arcus again, this time with the saddest smile he’d ever seen. A hint of yellow showed in the black eyes.
”Ar... Arcus... My son,” he wheezed out.
”Yes dad, it’s me,” Arcus called out enthusiastically, accidentally letting the word dad slip out of his mouth.
”Be... Brave, son...” his voice was strained, as if he was fighting for every word to leave his mouth.

But before he could respond, the king’s eyes turned black again. But this time, instead of going for Arcus, the king curled around his own body, flailing. Before Arcus could stop him, his teeth ripped through the dark blue scales. The blood splattered around him, and soon he was laying on the floor in a pool of black blood. Arcus stood frozen as he stared at the dragon he once considered his father.

”Arcus?” a voice called from the other side of the room.
But Arcus stood frozen in shock. He didn’t cry, didn’t feel, didn’t hear. He could only see the dark blue dragons body laying before him.
He didn’t feel as Terra curled her tail around him and barely even noticed as she led him out of the castle. Terra tried to talk to him, but he barely even heard her.

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