Aaron z x reader (basketball 🏀)

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You have been training for a basketball tournament that was coming up. If you lost this game your team would be disqualified from the finals and would have to wait till next year so it was everything to win this game! 

Luckily, you had an amazing boyfriend that would support you no matter what. Aaron z. Aaron z would push you to do anything you want to do. He's been training you day by day.

But today was the day that all that hard work pays off. The day of the tournament. "You nervous?" A familiar voice said walking towards you. "Yeah, I'm actually terrified those girls are bad news! They never lost a single game I can't compete with them!" You said pacing around the gym before the game started.

He watched as you paced the gym walking around and around. "You shouldn't be nervous, out of all things you should do is make them nervous." He said walking toward you grabbing your wrist. You looked into his eyes. "Here Let me show you something." He said taking the ball from your hands.

"When you at least down to the last couple points you goal is to try to flank them." He said. You looked at him confused on how that was gonna work. "Play guard" he demanded while you stood in front of him in a ready position. "Check this out." He said looking into your eyes bouncing the ball. "In and out, double cross over shoot." He said as he did the move.
You stood there shocked at what happened amazed. "Ok I see you z" you said laughing as he walking towards you. "You got this ok?" He cupped your face with one hand making you look up at him. "Thanks z" you responded. He looked at you and leaned in for a kiss. The kiss was sweet and loving but all that ended you guys heard the boys shouting for z because the game was about to start.

"Go out there and win alright?! I love you!" He said running out the gym to meet up with the guys. You felt pumped and ready to do this. As soon as you heard the buzzer the game was about to start. You took off your jacket showing off your  toned body and ready to play.

-time skip-

It was the final point you were being guarded by a girl not knowing what to do you attempted to pass the ball the girl blocked it instead and you made your way down to the other side. "It's ok baby! Keep going!" You heard z shouting from the stands.

The girl was about to shoot but to smacked the ball out her hands going to your side of the court passing to to your teammate. Your teammate was being blocked heavily. "IM OPEN" you shouted as your teammate passed it to you. You remembered the advice handed to you before the game. "In and out , double cross over shoot!!" You said in your head making a three pointer.

The crowd went wild and you yelled in victory flexing on the other team. Your teammates carried you on their shoulders and chanted your name " Y/N, Y/N. Y/N" they screamed.

-time skip-

You came out from the locker room holding a Medal and a trophy. Everyone ran up to you and hugged you. "Nice job!" Robaire said. "You did great" Tae you shouted. You looked at z standing in the back. "Thanks guys but, can I get some alone time with z for a second?" You said. Everyone smirked and walked out as you and z were left alone.

You ran up to him and hugged Him thanking him for everything he did for her. Z pulled away looking into your eyes. "You did great out there y/n! I'm proud of you." He stated blushing. You could only smile at his shyness. "I couldn't have done it without you." You looked in his eyes stepping closer to his face. He looked into your E/C ones and leaned in and kissed you. He pulled away smiling at you. "I love you." He said. " I love you too z." You said smiling at him.
Thanks for reading my first ever onshot was made!!! I love you all so so much! 4town for eva!

-726 words

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