Robaire x reader (stressed out)

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Robaire has been in his room all day trying to figure out then lyrics for a song. He's been cooped up in his room almost two days! He's been turning down dates, dinner, lunch, breakfast everything! You had to stop this madness before it got her seriously hurt.

"Dang it!" Robaire yelled slamming his hand on the desk in frustration. "Hey baby, you alright?" You asked while rubbing circles on his back. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm just trying to figure out this song is all." You rolled your eyes in a joking way and looked into his eyes, bringing his hands away from his face. "You've been trying to figure out this song all day. Come on let's have some fun! go outside, at least breath fresh air!" You said. "Ok ok let's go." He said laughing.

You jumped up with joy excited to go outside. You quickly got into a pair of clothes awaiting Robaire's presence. "Aright let's go mon amor." He said coming from the room all freshend up. "Say! What don't we go to the mall?" You ask curiously and excited. "Sure that's cool with me." He says back and you two make your way to the car.

-time skip-

You were trying on all sorts of clothes making silly faces just to see Robaire smile. Later on you guys went for ice cream and milkshakes together. When you guys arrived home you two cuddled until you fell asleep in his embrace. He looked at your beautiful features admiring them. "I love you, mon amor." He said before dosing to sleep.

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