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"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."

i thought i never knew what love was

i thought i'd felt it before

but i've come to realisation that after 3 years of moping from 'heartbreak' thinking i was in love

it was care, that the person only cared for me

never loved me, only cared

i thought i'd never fall in love

i never really believed in it as i couldn't explain it to myself

but now i know what it is

it's the warm feeling of that person around me

the way that everyone in the world just disappears

and i knew i felt that every time i was near you

it was like a little kid tugging at me pulling me towards candyfloss

i knew i felt it because

when his arms brushed across mine, a shiver ran down my spine

when he held my hand, the world seemed to only have the two of us

when i met his gaze, smile or smirk, my stomach erupted with butterflies

cause that's what love is

however, i still didn't want to believe it

i knew that the two of us would have to move on

that we weren't like the rest

that we would be frowned upon by stupid society

but that didn't stop me from falling

cause that's what he does

every "hello" pulls me in closer

every "goodbye" is like a stab to my heart, even though i know i'd see him again

every gaze, smile and smirk would be for me

and i know your wanting to know who this mystery man is

who i claim is the love of my life

but do me a favour and read the quote will you

"Favourite word?" he whispers.

I don't even hesitate: "You."

i love you

and there is no kid, it was love tugging me towards you

and no matter what we have to face, i know we'll be together

because i know

up in heaven on the tree there's a special leaf with my name and yours together

to the woman i wish i could beWhere stories live. Discover now