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"YN Midoriya!" I walked up with my head to the ground hoping to get hufflepuff too so we could be together. I got up to the alter and sat down. The hat was placed on my pale green hair and it began to speak loud again. "Yes I see, Another smart one, devoted, quick-minded and good hearted... Ravenclaw!" Oh. My. God.


No no no! My brother!

Despite not liking being separated from my brother, I notice All Might clapping and smiling for me too. But I feel like someone's staring at me- I try and shake off the feeling but as I'm on my way to the ravenclaw table I hear the other houses laughing until we hear a thunderous yell from all might himself.

"YOU WILL NOT BULLY ANY OF THE FIRST YEARS HERE! NO MATTER WHO THE PARENTS ARE THE CHILDREN HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG!!" He yells and sits back down then says calmly as if nothing happened "Now, let the feast..Begin" and waves his hand to the side and food appeared on every table.
O.M.G I reach forward to cut a piece of chicken breast and a spoonful of rice because rice is the best. I hear someone ask me why I came to Hogwarts saying I was probably as evil as my father. Did they not hear everything the Sorting Hat said?  Oh well I respond to the asshat saying "I came for the same reason you did, to learn to use my magic but I want to help people like my mother." As soon as I said that a group of 3 Gryffindors came over and the one everyone knows as Shoto Todoroki came over to me. I raise an eyebrow in utter confusion because I thought he hated me- well I dont know what he's trying to say.

To break me out of my thoughts he asks "Are you really related to All for One?"

"Yes I am that is my father, if you're trying to shame me or tell me you hate me because of my father's doings you're wasting your time."

He froze as if I took the words out of his mouth then a girl with long black hair spoke up "well its good you know, you don't deserve to be here. I know you're only here so you can become an evil witch-"
"Actually I came to learn just like you did. To Shoto I apologize for my father's doings I know that might not mean much to you all mighty one but if it'll make you leave me alone there."

"That's not why I asked but thank you. Momo leave her alone not everyone related to evil people is evil. She hasn't done anything evil.. yet.. but I'll just say I have my eyes on you" He says the black haired girl who I now know as Momo apologizes for judging me, and they all left. Right before I got back to eating another group came up to me, two of them from slytherin (Bakugo and Kaminari) and one from gryffindor (kirishima).

"So you're one of the monsters twins.. hm you're kinda cute I guess but you don't look all that special" one with yellow hair said.

"You know I don't see why everyone is so intimidated by you, but I'm gonna tell you I'm the boss here. You don't want to get caught with the wrong sorts, the right sorts can help in you're career. I can help with that."

The blonde one with spikey hair said. "I'm Katsuki, Bakugo Katsuki. And these are my 'friends' Kaminari and Kirishima." He might be okay to deal with for now but he seems troublesome.

"What's in it for you? You seem like you want something?" I ask clearly knowing what he wants. The kid got quiet and turned to walk away, then he said something about wanting to help me then he said to just come to him if I wanted to talk about his offer more. Weird.

Soon we were following our house prefectures to our dormitories. The prefecture said the password to the door and it opened. We were told the rules which were really simple and then the prefecture told us our sleeping arrangements and I was...alone not surprised at that one. Right as I got tired and began to head towards my room the prefecture, who I soon found to go by the name of Kenari (pronounced Key-Nar-Ee) stopped me from entering.

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