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Will hesitates at the door of the Artimis cabin. Boys are not allowed when the hunters are here and girls only go in there when they want to ask help for at home life. Your doing this for dad. He thinks and steps inside.

Really it looks like a normal cabin, the beds decked with silver sheets. He shuts the door and walks a little more in.

"Will son of my brother. Your brave for coming in here." A young voice says behind him.

He jumps and turns seeing Artimis. "Lady Artimis. Im sorry just. Dad um..."

She frowns a little. "Whats wrong with Apollo?"

"We dont know just. What ever it is hes not showing us or talking to us. I. I think hes just depressed. We think he may have. Hurt himself." Will explains a little worried the goddess will turn him into a pray animal... and his dad wont be able to save him do to the mortal status.

She looks down closing her eyes pinching the bridge of her nose, cursing in greek. "I should have known. Ill be here in a week with my hunters. Ill deal with my idiot brother then. For now just. Keep an eye on him and distract him. Dont let him know you talked to me or that you know hell probably lash out or worse do more harm to himself."

"Has he done somthing like this before?" Will asks.

"I dont think so. Just. Watch him ok."

Will nods. "Got it."

She sighs. "Just pray to me if you have to. Oh and. For you and your brothers. Unless some one is dieing dont come in here." With that she dissapears.

So Will quickly exits the cabin and runs to the dining pavilion. "Weres dad?" He asks.

"Him and Gracie went to do archery." Kayla responds.

Will sits at the table tapping nervously. "Well I spoke to Artimis."

"How did that go? She scare you?" Austin asks.

"No not really. I mean. She threatened me if i went in there again and no one was dieing. She just said to keep an eye on dad."

The week drags on and Apollo is confused as to why is kids are now paying even more attention to him. Not that he minds its a nice distraction just somthing seems off.

When its time for the other camp and the hunters to show up he waits with Chiron by the big house.

First the roman demigods who decided to show up came with Frank and Hazel, Apollo happily greeted them and his few Roman children. Then Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Callipso, Jason, Piper, and Meg showed up.

"Hello Lester." Meg teases.

"Why must you call me that." Apollo whines.

She smiles. "Because. It annoyed you."

Apollo grins and waves to Percy and his friends as a greeting trying to avoid looking at him.

"You okay Apollo?" Annabeth asks.

He nods. "Im fine."

"Im supprised Zues gave you Mr. Ds punishment."

Apollo shrugs glancing at Percy. "Me to. Dionysus said the plan wasnt fully thought out. Im sure if he had more time to think about it he would have chosen somthing else."

"Well its good to see you again Apollo." She says and walks away.

Then the hunters and Rachel show up.

"Lester Apollon Phoebus." Rachel says walking up to him.

"You said a stupid name my dad gave me and then my name twice." Apollo points out thinking he should be worried.

Artimis smiles. "Ill deal with him Rachel." She says as she grabs Apollos arm and walks away with him.

"Artimis baby sister, hows dad? Dionysus said you were trying to get me off punishment?" He says smiling wondering what has his sister all upset.

She stays quiet as she grabs his arm and takes him to his cabin. He silently lets her lead.

She pushes him inside. "So. Brother. Hows being mortal." She says in a deadly calm tone.

He shrugs crossing his arms. "Its fjne. I get to spend time with my kids. Though now my roman kids are here to. Wich is even better now i have all of them."

She nods slowly. "I had an interesting conversation with one of your kids. William."

"Oh? What. What did he say?" He asks fidgiting nervously.

"Show me your arm Phoebus."


She grabs his arm pulling the sleeve of his jacket up. She frowns seeing the scarring. "Apollo."

He pulls away pulling the sleeve down. "I dont want to talk about it."

"Please talk to me any way. I want to help you. Just tell me whats going on."

"I dont know." He mumbles.

She sighs and pulls him into a hug. "I hate seeing you like this."

He loosly puts his arms around her. "I know." He sighs. "I thought id be happier. But. Im not. I didnt want my kids to know. I want them to know i like spending time with them."

"I think they know you do. Its ok. We will help you." She says as she releases him. "I've been talking to dad, and he is set on you staying here as punishment. You know health stuff including mental. I'm sure you can find better ways than. This. To deal with what you are going through. I'm sorry Apollo I wish I can help you more but. You know the rules." She says in a defeated tone.

Apollo nods. "I know there are better ways I just. Don't care right now. Being back at Olympus felt wrong and now here. It's not right either. I don't know what to do."

Artimis grins. "I'm sure you will figure it out baby brother." She nudges his arm. 

Apollo gives a fake look of offense. "Excuse you I am older."

She smiles. "Lets get back to the campers." She links her arm with his and they head to the dining pavilion. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2024 ⏰

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