Chapter 5: A potential enemy?

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Taker and Markus return to the castle with the injured man, the village's only survivor. He descends from Markus' back before helping the old man and walking towards two of his soldiers. "Go take care of him, wash him and give him warm clothes." Ordered Taker before hearing a woman scream, he turns around and he sees Diana running towards them. "My daughter..." the old man said, happy that she was alive. They hug each other crying with joy, she looks at Taker still crying while hugging her father. "Thank you, thank you for saving him.." she said in tears, her father kissing his darling daughter's forehead before going with the soldiers to be treated. Taker heads for his throne, reaching for something in his coat pocket before pulling it out. Before letting the soldiers chase the damsel for dead, he had torn off the necklace that was around a soldier's neck. He looks attentively at the gold pendant, round shape with a skull and a knife engraved in it. A new enemy in the vicinity? Taker thought. He has never seen this symbol until today, he will have to question the old man after he recovers from his wounds.


Diana has been waiting for a good thirty minutes behind the door where her father is being treated. She is very grateful that a man of such greatness saved her life and that of her father. On the other hand, she is afraid of this man, he is still a Calaway, the most dangerous family in the world, but this man saves humans because he has a village in his fortress. She is really in doubt but grateful. "Thank you.." Said Frish to the soldiers who had just given him clean clothes and treated him. He sees his twenty-seven year old daughter, very proud that she is alive, they hug each other. He has a few minor wounds on his face, a bandage wrapped around his waist for his deep wound. She takes his arm to walk and walks through the fortress to the house that the majesty has given her. So we're in a Calaway's fortress? He doesn't sound so terrifying as we heard. Frish thought. Everyone seems safe here, the children are not afraid of the majesty, on the contrary, they worship the man despite the name Calaway has a very bad reputation.

She opens the door and lets her father in before helping him to a seat, Frish is impressed by the decoration of the house. He watches his daughter bring him a bowl of soup that she had prepared before going to see him. "Drink easy daddy." She says when she sees her father quickly drinking the hot bowl. "I see you have recovered."

A dark, deep voice echoed through the house, making them jump in fear, Diana looked around the corner of the room and she could see Taker standing there in his black robe, hands behind his back. How did he get in? Diana thought. Taker walked towards them calmly until he found the old man who hadn't moved from the chair. "Majesty..." He said taking Taker's hand, getting out of his chair and kneeling in front of him, not letting go of his hand. "Thank you for saving my daughter's life as well as mine." Taker looks at the old man kneeling in front of him, gently removes his hand from his then places it on the man's shoulder. "Get up." He ordered in a calm voice, he glanced at the girl next to the old man who didn't dare say anything, nor to look him in the eye. Is she afraid? he thought.

"Majesty, I owe you a debt, if I can help you..." he said standing up, looking at the tall hooded man. "Well.." Taker says reaching into his inside pocket and pulls out a black colored necklace with a dangling pendant. "I want to know who attacked you and if you know who it is?" He asked, handing the necklace to the old man who took it from Taker's hands gently. A huge surge of anger rises in Frish's body, he advances towards the fireplace which is lit by a small fire to warm up from the cold. "These men wanted to destroy our village because we were disturbing.." He said in a calm voice looking at the flames in the hearth of the fireplace, Taker frowned crossing his muscular arms against his chest.

"Mages like you but don't like those who are different. It's been a while since they asked us to leave but we refused so decided to slaughter" Frish clenches his fist where the necklace is, wanting revenge for what those men have done, he turns back to Taker who hasn't moved an inch. "That's all I know, Majesty." He finally said giving the necklace back to him. "Do you have any other information?" Taker asked as he put the necklace back in his pocket. "No, sorry." Said the old man, Taker walked towards him, patted his shoulder, having no anger towards him. "It's okay, you're safe now." He said turning around, looking at Diana who still hadn't said a word. "I will not let these people enter the fortress." He added looking at Frish then leaves.


The sun has gone down, Taker remains silent during the banquet looking at the mysterious necklace, which worries his mother, sitting next to him, she put her hand on his forearm. "How are you Mark?" she asked her son, worried. Taker looks at her coldly but doesn't say anything since his mother has always refused to call him any name other than Mark. "I sense that there is an enemy near the fortress.." He calmly says to Betty, he takes his mug of beer before drinking it. "The two humans I hosted today, they came from a village near here. I'll go see tonight if I find their camps." He said before taking a piece of chicken in his mouth. "Don't go alone." She worried, Taker looks at his mother, puts his hand on hers. "I will go with Markus and one of my loyal soldiers." He reassured her, she smiled at her son before continuing to eat.

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