Chapter 39: Terrors only Peacemaker

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TW/CW: DESCRIPTIVE mentions of sexual assault and rape AND physical abuse.

Same night, a couple hours later...

Cold hard hands ripped the girl from the warm comfort of the blankets, the safe hold were she lay so innocently. Tossing her aside like a rag doll, the figure shoved her to the ground, her head smashing against the wood.

Immense pain trilled up her skull, screaming bloody murder into her brain. Gripping harshly onto her shirt, the shadow knocked his fist onto her jaw, her mouth spewing with the crimson liquid.

The intruder wrapped his fingers around her wrist, holding the top of her arm with his foot. She could feel the pressure as he thought of his next move, sensing what he was going to do, her eyes widened.

"Stop!" She cried, trying to pull away, but his strength overpowered her meek attempt.

"Don't worry sweetheart, it'll be over in a second." The man crooned, yanking her arm down, she felt her bone crack, snapping it in the wrong direction. Her eyes stung as she screamed out in pain, her body shaking and jerking away, watching with a horrified expression as he kicked off his pants.

Her eyes darted around, searching for an escape, they landed on her night stand, however the only thing atop the wooden table stood her old alarm clock. It had been one Thomas gifted to her a few years ago, back when she first moved in with them, the hands ticked by slowly, taunting her with the lagging time.

Though soon, she was back to reality, the cold nasty eyes of the man above stabbed into hers. They were the same eyes she had faced for so long, the eyes she thought she had cleansed her life of, however now she looked back into them again.

He gripped onto her once more, slamming her to the wall so she was pressed against it. Quickly shoving his toy into her mouth, she she let out a muffled shriek of terror, fear coursing through her veins. Her whole body tried to act against him, stiff and shaken but nothing could get him off of herself.

"Oh god... (Y/n)...." He moaned her name, his sickening voice devastating her ears.

"(Y/n)..." A single tear fell from her eye.

"(Y/n)," Another tear fell.

"(Y/n)!" She gasped, feeling a force shaking her body as her eyes opened to a dark room. Her body moved without her even thinking, jolting upright as she quickly shoved the other person away from her, knocking her fist sharply into their upper chest. Her mind was exploding, she couldn't even hear her thud as it struck, and the inevitable unsuspecting groan "Jesus..."that came from the man next to her. Levi held one hand just under his clavicle, the other bent underneath his weight to hold himself upright as a slightly surprised expression covered his face.

Her breath was erratic, her mind in a panic and lost in confusion. She felt sick, her body crouched over as she covered her mouth, her eyes wide as tears streamed down.

"Hey..." He said lowly, his voice low and concerned, "Hey, (Y/n)," He moved to sit up more, one hand coming and laying it on the girls back.

(Y/n) found herself gasping for air, feeling as if she was suffocating. It was as if the world around herself was dark and condensed, clamming around her in a messy and claustrophobic entanglement. She couldn't even feel as Levi tried to pull her up straight, his body moving quickly as he realized the escalation of the situation.

"(Y/n)-" He called out to her, pulling back on the girls shoulder as she crouched over, one hand holding her stomach while the other covered her lips.

Her whole body shook, feeling numb and pained by the terror, gasping out in a suffocating manner.

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