1. In my life

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In the wide streets of L.A stood a crowd surrounding a red car full of smoke where the police and ambulance were at work. They take out a man a woman and a 8 months old child from the red car and people look at them in pity.

Poor little child i pray he/she survives. An old lady standing in the crowd says.

The 3 bodies are rushed to the hospital.

At hospital:
The doctor examines the bodies carefully and declares the man and woman dead but the child which was a girl survives.

The girl is then left with no one in the world, she is sent to an orphanage where she stays gloomy and lives her life which was soon going to change.

After 18 years:

Cassie's pov

I am finally breathing free out from hell aka my school....and here i stand with my friends bidding them the last good bye before we get into universities and start a new life..i see the school peon running towards me.

Hey are you cassie viola?
He asks to me panting.
Uhh yeah whats wrong.
I reply confused because i was always a very private one so not many people knew my name.
You are called to the principle's office kindly rush.
He leaves after explaining.
I stare being confused and head towards the office.
Can i come in sir? I reach the office.
Ohh sure miss viola. The fat man smiles at me and welcomes.
Miss cassie i gladly wanna tell you that the scholarship you applied for has been passed by California's national university. So pack your bags. I stare at him in shock and he just casually looks back at my staring self.
Me, i point at myself.
Yeah you, he replies.
I sream at the top ofmy lungs not believing what i just heard.
I run out of the office to the nearest bus stop to get to my sweet home(orphanage) to tell everyone that i got it.
I reach home and was greeted by our caretaker.
Gloriaaaaaaaa guess whaaaaaat. I exclaim..
What did you find a cloud shaped lolly.. She says shocked. I make a poker face and tell her..
I got in CNU.....

Whaaat she gets shocked and smiles instantly.. wooho you did it my child.
She hugs me and kisses my forehead and we have a long ass conversation.

I head to my room and see the articles pasted on my wall about that university.

I got this i am now going to fulfill every dream of mine and get funds raised for gloria's orphanage.


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