3.Stepping on fire

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Cassie's pov:
I woke up in the morning to someone snoring, who was ofcourse petty.....just like me rose was also sitting on her bed staring at snoring petty.
Hey good morning, how was your sleep.
Rose asked me in her morning voice.
I slept well....considering you guys are so nice and.....quit.
I reply while rose laughed at what i said.
Yeah i am tired of petty snoring too, i guess it is a problem with all intelligent people.
I smile at what she said and petty wakes up in a while after doing our morning business we all get ready to head to our classes.
As soon as i get out of the bathroom i saw rose wearing a hella expensive chanel dress which was looking too much just for attending the classes.
Then looked at petty she was looking classy with an all black body con topped up with a leather jacket.
I guess i was just staring at there soul when rose brings me out of it.
Heyy are you like finee....
Rose asks with a concerned face.
Yea..yeah i am finee.
I said snapping out of my thoughts.
Well then get ready or we are gonaa get suuper late gurl...and i am dang sure you don't want that to happen on your 1st day.
Rose says..
But i am ready......i guess.
I reply confused.
Ohh really...uh...
Rose looks at me from head to toe.
Then i look at myself from head to toe.

Then i look at myself from head to toe

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I think i look fine.
I says to them.
Rose and petty share quick looks.
Anyways you look REALLY pretty, now i guess we should just head out to our classes.
Petty says speadily.

We then head to the university chit chatting about life.
And as we enter the university i eyes become wide open.
Like i get it now why these girls were doing all that overdressing.
Every second person here was dressesd in classy and elegant looking outfits...like they own this place.
And i am like tooo underdressed to enter the gate so i just keep on staring inside.
Rose and pwtty shake me propably because they knew that i was getting insecure.
Its okay we are here dont worry let's just get inside.
Petty comforts me and i take my steps inside.
I can't help but notice people mostly girls with different hairs looking at me more like in a sarcastic way.

Just when we were about to go away from our lockers a really handsome guy approaches us. He was tall like probably 5,9 or something, while me being just 5,3.
Comment and tell me what your real heights are ;)
He had some pretty freckles and a whitish skin, grey and blue eyes.
I was completey lost again when rose shakes me and brings me to reality again.
Ohh umm hi hello well...sorry i am cassie....cassie viola.
I say awkwardly.
Heyy i am roger williams petty's brother and ex.
He says confidently smiling.
I stare at him confused what does he mean by ex.
Well well let me explain, he is my step brother, his family adopter me when was 4. When we grew up we got slightly interested in each other and started dating. Things became intimidate between us and then we broke up.
She says like it was nothing. I mean dating your brother i can't even imagine i dont know how i am going to survive here.
We walk further into the campus...more richness dwelling me in.
You know since we are really good friends have you ever made out with someone in your own house. Rose asks me leaving me dumbfounded, i guess she is a pretty straight type of person.
Uhhh no i haven't not just in my house but anywhere around this whole world.
I reply a little embarrassed by the situation.
REALLY wow you are such an amazing one. You know i like madeout with my brother in our house for the fact that our parents are barely home we got plenty of time to do shit.
Rose replied cheekishly.
What fo your parents do...like you can tell me if you are comfortable with it. She laughs at the fact that i am still not too open in front of them.
My father owns 4 branches of hospitals in the states and my mom, she is a surgeon. They adopted me when i was 4 because my dad left me in a dark alley and never came back. She states with a sad smile.
I pat her back.
Well i lost my mom and dad whrn i was 19 days old in a car accident.
And since then i have been living in an orphanage and coming her in C.N.U is really a great opportunity for me.
Rose listens to me quietly. She is a great listener for the fact that she speaks a lot.
Welll well now we are and will be always there for you don't worry let's rock this shit. Petty says out of nowhere. She was so quiet that i forgot she is there with us too and for that i feel like a bad person.
Petty tell me something out yourself too. I say cheerfully.
Uhhhh mee see i was born and raised in a family my father owns restaurants and shit. I was always taught how to speak....stay quiet when not needed and so and so.
But my life has been soooo great if we look back.
Petty seems so quiet because of her family practices i think.
Petty you know what the ones Dont ramble about their lives are tge ones who are actually hurt. And quiet people tend to be fighting with there own words in there mind. So spill alllll of it out when ever you want to.
Petty deeply smiles at what i say.
I cant believe we are already making a great trio when its only been less thrn one day. Rose exclaims.
After some more chit chats we hear the first period bells go off and we head to our class which is literature. I want to become a writer in the future cuz why not ;)

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