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"We meet again, idiot." Lucas said, Athanasia was annoyed because of Lucas's attitude. As Lucas chuckled at Athanasia's behavior and said, "So.. no greetings? or whatever, how mean.", this caused Athanasia to punch him again, " Ow! what the hell woman- I was just asking.", Lucas said. 

Athanasia then sighed at his childish attitude, "Hah.. well, how are you?" she asked, Lucas smiled and said, "Not fine at all! you just fucking punched me. How do you expect me and say ' Yeah I'm fine' after you punched me", Lucas then rolled his eyes and continued his sentence.

" Obviously I wouldn't be fine after you punched me.", He then saw Athanasia was going to punch him again, as Athanasia's hand went up and was about to punch him, Lucas then grabbed her hand, "Chill, chill Jesus Christ.. Are you planning to kill me or something?, wow what A great friend, we just met again and now you are trying to kill me?. Wow just wow- but. How About you? ATHANASIA, how are you doing?" he said.

Athanasia then pouted and sighed, "..I'm doing fine. anyways! I'm going to have snacks with Helena! I can't waste my time on talking to you!" she said, "Tsk. fine, go to your friend or whatever.", "Well! bye Lucas!" Athanasia said running on the hallways going to her friend.

Lucas POV - 

'Tsk that girl, hah. what kind of feeling is this? love? pfft- what? me falling inlove.. never could imagine that. But somehow this girl makes me feels like this, I feel sad that she left me for her "friend" or Helena, I couldn't care less, but how dare she-, she left me her childhood bestfriend for that Helena girl. 

and plus. we just met again and now she's acting like we got never separated or shit.' as I sighed and stopped thinking about that, I then went to A table with Ijekiel, I saw this dude earlier, and we talked He decided to be friends with me, so I just decided to be friends with him. I heard he's the son of Sir Claude's worker. 

We then talked, " Hey Ijekiel. what's your relationship with Athanasia?. I heard you guys are close." I could feel like I'm getting jealous. But then Ijekiel said, "Ah! Athy? Oh, we're just friends don't worry, I see her as my little sister, why are you asking though?" he asked, "Hm.. nothing just curious, let's just eat anyways" 

Ijekiel had a smirk and said, "Hm, you like her don't you?" he asked, I thought about it and said, "Well what I could tell you for now is that, I quite don't understand what I am feeling with her, alright Mr. whitey dog.", I rolled my eyes, " Oh I see." he said staring at his food. 


The class then rang and Lucas decided to skip, but Athanasia then saw him, "Hey! Lucas. What are you doing here? shouldn't you be in class?", she asked, "Nah, class is boring plus I'm already smart.", "Ugh! Lucas! come to class, you can't just skip! what if you fail?!" she asked. 

I then approached her and said, "Awh.. are you worried about me failing, princess?" I asked teasing her. "I-i- you know what! forget this, don't blame me if you fail, Lucas!!" she said yelling and turning back running to the class, I then chuckled on how cute her expression was.

Honestly teasing her was the best. her expressions were always cute, as I closed my eyes and began to think, ' Tsk, Athanasia De Alger Obelia, what are you doing to me.' as I opened my eyes and glared, ' No one can ever steal you away from me.' 

•───────•°•❀•°•───────• TO BE CONTINUED •───────•°•❀•°•───────• 

Hello! I finally updated after not having that much motivation!- also, I apologize if their are characters that doesn't act like how they act on wmmap! anyways, hoped you enjoyed! sorry if this chapter is short, it was being rushed, and I was also lazy making this chapter. but anyways! bye and have a great day/noon/night! 

(682 Words) 

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