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The atmosphere of the place was, of course, delicious Athanasia's stomach was already craving food the moment they entered the place, it was busy and has A lot of customers but... Athanasia didn't care and lined up in the line before it gets longer.

" Ah... the smell of food makes my stomach crave! " Cable said, Athanasia chuckled... ' seems like everyone agrees, she thought. as she asked " What do y'all want? " the others began to think, so much delicious food they couldn't even almost decide!

" How about,,, the whole menu? " Helena joked, the others seem to agree jokingly but of course Athanasia agreed seriously, well wouldn't be surprising since she devours all food that she sees.

" A-athy,,, were just joking don't take it seriously, please... "Jennette said while sweating her face off, " Oh... father wouldn't mind though.. " Athanasia replied with A pout on her face, Jennette sighed as she said, " Besides would you even finish it all, Athy? we wouldn't want to waste food don't we?" she said, Athanasia sighed and agreed, as the others then began to tell what they wanted.

" Alright noted! " Athanasia said, the others then looked for an empty place to use, as athy was finally done with the ordering, she felt goosebumps, it felt like someone was stalking them... she shook the deeps thoughts away and began to walk to the place her friends chose.

" Athy, you okay? you look like your afraid. " Helena asked Athanasia, " No.. I'm fine Helly " Athanasia replied, Helena just agreed but still felt something was off, Athanasia then sat down on her seat.

While they were waiting for the food, Athanasia still couldn't get rid of the goosebumps she's feeling... Suddenly she saw a man with dark hair with dark clothes watching them...she stared at the man for a few minutes but the man ran.

She was pale... Athy sighed, as she opened her phone scrolling down on tiktok while waiting for the food they ordered.

The food was finally served, they ate happily until Athy asked them A question... " Uhm... hey, do you guys feel someone is stalking us?" Athy asked

" What A weird question Athy... What makes you ask that?" Lucas asked, Athy played with her fingers as she replied, "Well... I felt like someone is following us. "

"Hm... I got that feeling too earlier.... " Helena replied. The 6 of them was getting chills, but decided to brush it off, saying they will figure it out later, finally the food came and was enough to distract them, but... not for Athanasia.

As they were eating, Athanasia swore she at least saw a man standing, but decided to not tell, for she didn't want to disturb their lovely time.

They were finally done eating, Athanasia excused herself, to go to the bathroom, as she was walking there, she bumped into A man who was wearing black pants, and a black hoodie enough to cover his face, Athanasia immediately apologized, the man didn't care as he walked away,

Athanasia felt a shiver go through her, the man she encountered was weird, who in the hell would wear such edgy clothing?!, she sighed and continued to go to the bathroom,

and she swore she regrets it, after leaving she felt like someone was still following her, as she was about to go, someone pulled her in a dark room, covering her mouth, Athanasia struggled to let go as she passed out.

- Let's go back to the others -

They wondered why Athanasia was waiting long, but decided to wait for maybe she was stopping by on A shop, but after a few minutes, Athanasia didn't come back yet.

"Hey... Athanasia hasn't come back yet, should we call her phone?" Jennette asked, the others agreed as Jennette took her phone and called Athanasia, but... she didn't respond, everyone started to get worried. Helena decided to check on the bathroom, but found out she wasn't there either.

Jennette immediately called her uncle, Claude De Alger Obelia, that Athanasia has gone missing, Claude said, to go to their house as fast as they could,

everyone agreed and went to Lucas's car, and went to the Obelia mansion. 


Oh no someone has kidnapped Athy! what will happen next? try to guess 

𝘾𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝘽𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙 // 𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙮 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now