4 - A L O N G N I G H T

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*Lewis' P.O.V*

Okay, so I'm not entirely sure what the shit just happened.

One moment, me, Turps and Ross were sitting in reception waiting for the takeaway guy to arrive, the next moment there were screams coming through the intercom.

We opened the door and in rushed this girl, she looked terrified, and pale, oh so pale, like she had seen a ghost. Her red hair was messed up and she was breathing heavily, her arms were red and shoulder bleeding. But why at this time of night?

She stared at us and it felt like, although, physically she was there, her mind was far away. She didn't respond for a while until I walked over to her. It almost seemed as if she was using all of her strength to look at my face, then she said my name and like one second later, she passed out.

Now I'm sitting on the floor, almost cradling the body of a passed out girl. Turps had run out of the building to see what she was running from, but returned, just giving me a shrug and confused look. Ross went to go get Hannah because hes convinced she would know what to do with stuff like this, but it seems that he had come back with what looks like the whole of the office.

"Ross, I thought you were getting Hannah, not the whole bloody building," I said, frustration in my voice, as I held the girl gently. I looked at Ross, he was still pale from the past events and looked a little confused.

"This isn't the WHOLE building," Simon said, emphasising the word 'whole', characteristically making light of a situation - partially from his cheery manner - partially from not understanding the severity of the situation.

"Sorry, I'm just urg," I sighed as Hannah came over to me and the girl.

She carefully moved her off of me and onto the floor and gazed analytically at the young girl.

"She's most likely passed out from exhaustion. That and probably the added in part of feeling safe. If we presume she's been in some sort of possible danger, shes just used up a lot of adrenaline in her fight or flight response. If we take her through into the offices and keep an eye on her until she comes round, I think that's the best thing we can do. She doesn't seem like she's been in an accident or needs urgent medical assistance, so I think it would be best to keep her as calm as possible and call the police if we need to," Hannah said confidently without hesitation as she brushed the girl's hair out of her face.

Thanks for pointing out the damn obvious.

"We can put her on the sofa in our office if you'd like," Trott said seriously.

"Yeah, as we have the biggest office, I mean it's only fair if we really take her, to be honest," Ross chipped in, walking towards Hannah and carefully observing the girl.

"I was just going suggest that thank you, that'd be great," Hannah said.

"Whoa whoa whoa hold up," Simon suddenly butted in, "why are we just taking this girl in? Shouldn't we, you know, call an ambulance one like the police or at least her parents?"

He had a point. We should really get the authorities involved.

"True, but honestly, I think we should wait and try and get the story out of this girl. I mean, what would happen if we got all the authorities involved and we didn't need to. And it would probably frighten this girl who seems to have done nothing wrong even more than she already might be," Hannah reasoned with determination in her voice.

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