2 - A D V E N T U R E

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Why hello there

Thanks for giving my book a shot

Yay ily


*Beatrix's P.O.V*

"Beatrix hun, are you ready?" Mum shouted from downstairs.

I zipped up my suitcase which I had filled up with most of my clothes and some of my essentials, including my laptop, of course, my art and textile materials and I was in the middle of trying to shove my makeup essentials in.

"Yeah, I'll be down in just a second," I yelled back to my mum as I quickly grabbed an old camera I received a number of Christmases ago, after finding a place in my bag for my makeup and paint brushes.

Switching on my camera, I took a picture of myself in the mirror. I wanted to take pictures of my little adventure and make it into some sort of video thing. Just so I can remember the time I took my life into my own hands.

I put the camera into my rucksack, which is where I kept some of my essentials and quickly grabbed a jar of money that I had been saving off a shelf. I dusted the lid before shoving the heavy weighted amount of copper coins that had been brewing on a shelf since I was 8 and the glass jar they inhabited into the rucksack too. It was probably a bad idea, it was so heavy and would make a slight rattle noise when they moved but it was all I really had and the best I could do at that moment.

Once I double checked that I had done everything, I grabbed my phone off the side table as well as the rucksack and suitcase before going downstairs. I carefully tried to carry the suitcase but ultimately failed and staggered down the old staircase, desperately trying not to fall. The backpack strained on my weak shoulders, the sheer amount - as well as the new addition of the coins - threw my balance in all sorts of directions as I struggled to walk down the narrow stairs.

I managed to get to the bottom of the stairs, missing my footing slightly, slamming my shoulder into the wall as my arms started to give way from the sudden exercise I had to do. I am so unfit. Laughter erupted from both me and my mum as I dropped the suitcase next to me, followed soon by my unfit self as I sat down where I had hit the wall.

"Well, that's one way to come down the stairs," mum giggled as she grabbed her keys off the table.

"You know me, always knows how to make an entrance," I said, earning more laughter off mum which I felt slightly smug about.

"Have you got everything? Money? Phone? Laptop?" Mum asked anxiously as she collected the last of her stuff together.

"Yes don't worry mother," I reassured the worrying woman who hastily double checked if she herself had everything.

She nodded her head as she picked up her bags.

"So... The most important question... Are you ready?" Mum asked with a slight sadness in her voice.

I nodded my head, trying to hide the excitement I felt. Not exactly sure why I was so excited I tried to push the feeling out of my mind.

"Then, well I guess... Let's go," mum continued, opening the front door.

Mum walked outside while I stood sheepishly by the door holding my suitcase in one hand, and my phone in the other, not entirely sure what to do. The comfort of my room is just upstairs but a whole new adventure is waiting for me outside.

I quickly unlock my phone and open up Twitter before tweeting; 'a new adventure is waiting out there, and who am I to turn it down?'.

I pressed the tweet button, a smile spreading across my face. I breathe slowly as I take a step outside. A weird sensation of freedom suddenly overwhelmed me, sending me into a stage of almost shock.

Squinting in the sunlight as I walked down the path, and soon struggled to put my suitcase in the back of the car before jumping in the front, shortly being joined by my mum.

She started up the cranky car and we pulled out of the drive, I kept my eyes on the old house until it was out of sight.

I relaxed into my seat as I put my headphones on and Area 11 soon filled my ears. The car passed houses, shops and office blocks and it felt we like we were driving to France, not the other side of Bristol.

It was another 45 minutes or more before mum pulled up in front of a not so inviting building.

I felt the breath hitch in my throat as I saw the plain curtains and heavy looking doors, it felt like the whole building just made this sunny evening a little bit greyer and darker. I glanced at the peeling paint on the building as my mum got out of the car and opened the boot to get my suitcase.

Hesitantly, I got out of the car, grabbing my rucksack and putting it on my back on the way. The coins clinked in the jar, a rush of excitement replaced the fear and reminded me of what was yet to come; it was hard suppressing a smile. Mum was standing by my suitcase. I was taken aback by the sudden tears that brimmed her eyes, I knew she thought she was strong enough to hide them, but I saw through that facade years ago.

"Mum, I'll be fine, promise. Don't worry about me, go out there and do whatever you need to. I'm a big girl now," I reassured her after spotting the weakness she thought she hid so well.

"I know hun, I just really wish I didn't have to do this. If I could take you with me, I would, or if I didn't need to do this I wouldn't. I'm just trying to get the best for you, but at the same time, I feel like I'm stopping you from having the best," she said as she tried to force a small smile.

"It's not your fault! You're doing everything you can mum, and I couldn't ask for more," I said before hugging her hard.

As we drew away, she patted away the tears from her eyes, carefully avoiding smudging her makeup.

"You be safe now, okay?" My mum said, handing me my suitcase.

I nodded my head, Vectors by Area 11 playing in my ears, soothing my mind.

"I love you, Bea," she said, rubbing my arm gently.

"Love you too," I replied quietly as my mum walked around and got into the driver's seat of the car after closing the boot.

She started up the engine and slowly started driving away. I waved as she honked the horn of the car and continued to wave until she was out of sight.

The sky was getting darker and I looked at the hostel one more time. With that, I turned on my heels and started walking in the opposite direction in which my mum went. It was then, that the end of Vectors came on. The part that The Yogscast use to end their videos.

I smiled before quietly saying to myself:

'This is the start of my adventure, and this is the start of something new, it's time to be the person you've always wanted to be'

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