5 - D R E A M I N G ?

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Its kinda long I sorry v soz

Love yall



*Beatrix's P.O.V*

The white bright light cascaded into my bedroom.
But it wasn't my bedroom or the sun. It was a harsh white office light.
I blinked. Confused. Trying to take in where I was.
I sat up suddenly as I started to panic, I had no idea where I was. My head swirled as I blinked furiously, trying to straighten out my vision. Blurred outlines, spotted with random colours were all that stood before me.
Why wasn't I in my room?

"Hey, whoa whoa take it easy," a male voice said, my ears rang making it hard to decipher a voice. Had I been kidnapped? Grabbing my head I tried to piece things together.

"I think she's waking up," the voice said to someone else. Did that man get me after all?

"N-no stAy awaY!" I mustered up my strength, closing my eyes and pushing my arms out to defend myself.

There was a slight pause. My head finally settling down but my heart still pounding.

"Just let her be for a moment, she still looks shaken," another voice said, they had a soft, calming tone.

I started to open my eyes, hoping to find an exit or at least a clue as to where I was.

I was on a grey sofa, with a blanket wrapped around me. There were some desks with computers on, general junk around the place. Why was I in an office?
I turned to look at where the voices had come from. And there they were.

A tired and weary looking Duncan and a dishevelled looking Sjin. Staring back at me.
I closed my eyes and opened them, expecting them to be gone, but there they were.
I rubbed my eyes and looked again. But there they were.

"This cant be happening. I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming," I muttered to myself.

"Are you okay?" Sjin pitched up after a moment.

I looked at him, unsure of the answer.

"Uh... Yeah, I think so," I replied, moving my arm as I did so, my collarbone spiking with pain, making me let out a gasp. "Maybe not," I added, grabbing my shoulder where the pain was.

The door opened, and in came and also weary looking Lewis, holding three mugs of tea. He looked at me, and I looked at him. I couldn't tell who was more surprised.

"What the fuck what the fuck," I muttered again. None of this felt real.

"Uh, hi," he greeted me, cautiously, whilst putting the mugs of tea down on a nearby coffee table.
He leaned out of the door, "Simon, could you make me another tea please?" He yelled.

"What am I your bloody tea maid?" Simons familiar joking voice replied.

Lewis turned back to look at me.
"Um, you like tea?" He awkwardly asked.
I nodded and smiled.

I couldn't believe it, this couldn't be real.

"How are you feeling?" Duncan asked me, as I sat in a more comfortable position, being very careful of my collarbone. My back was sore and my arms and shoulders raw as I moved, making me wince.

"I... could be better. I'm kind of in a bit of um... pain," I admitted, struggling to find the words, but becoming more at ease with my surroundings.
I paused for a moment.
"Also, are you... real?" I said, reaching towards Sjin, touching his face. I gasped. "You are real. I don't know if this makes things better or weirder," muttering to myself.

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