We'll play again

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It'd been a day since Oboro, Hizashi and Tensei had wound up in borderland and in that time, that had played one game and gotten an extra teammate, Nemuri. Her quirk was called Somnambulist and allowed her to put people into a deep sleep. This worked as a good knock-out gas for Tensei when the pain in his leg was getting too unbearable.

The group were now sat around a table in a furniture store, enjoying a nice meal of canned foods that they boiled on a portable stove.

"Mmm! I haven't eaten since yesterday! This is just what I needed!" Hizashi said.

"So Nemuri..." Oboro started. "What is this place? Where is everyone in Japan?"

"How the hell would I know? I'm trapped in this place, same as you."

"Yeah but you had already played a game but that live or die one was our first. So how did you play a game before us?" Tensei asked

Nemuri was silent for a moment before sighing. "I really don't know... I arrived here three days ago. And my first game... it involved poison gas. I remember... everyone was coughing up blood. Blood was even pouring out of their eyes... I was the only one who lived."

"You mean you sacrificed all of the others." Oboro muttered.

"Say what you want." Nemuri said. "I did what I had to do to survive. In this world, there are no second chances. You mess up one time and it's game over."

Everyone was silent as they sat in Nemuri's words. Eventually Tensei spoke up.

"So if this is all a game..." he said. "Where is everyone else in Tokyo? I mean, Nemuri said she's already been here for 3 days, and we just arrived yesterday so how does that work?"

"Perhaps time moves differently here?" Hizashi offered.

"That doesn't explain everything." Oboro said.

"Then perhaps it was aliens?" Tensei said.

"Aliens don't exist." Oboro said plainly.

"Alright then how do you explain the people disappearing?" Tensei argued

"Don't ask me that." Oboro said, frustratedly hitting his fist on the table.

"Well we know at least one thing." Hizashi presented the card they earned in their last game. "We know that there is some sort of game master."

"Game master?" Oboro asked

"Someone created this game right? It didn't just appear out of nowhere. There is a game master and these cards seem to be their calling card. If we find out more about these then we can find out more about the Game Master's personality and therefore prepare for the games we come across in the future." Hizashi looked out of the window over the empty streets. "In three days we'll have to play again. That gives us time to prepare for whatever we might come across."

The group then heard a wince of pain from Tensei.

"You okay Tensei?" Oboro asked

"Ah... yeah I'm fine." He lied, clutching at his burnt leg. "Whatever fucked in world we're in, it definitely isn't playing around. Nem's right. One wrong move and it's game over."

He continued eating but his friends couldn't help but be concerned for him.

"Maybe we can try to find a doctor?" Hizashi suggested.

"Maybe. But it seems that nobody is openly walking around the streets during the day. I bet they're hiding all over Tokyo in little groups like we are." Tensei said.

"Well then we'll spend tomorrow looking for a doctor then. For today, we'll stock up on food and weapons for the games." Oboro said.

"Three days" Hizashi thought. "Would that be long enough to come up with a plan?"

Later that evening, Oboro found Hizashi looking over the city from the balcony.

"How's Tensei?" Hizashi asked

"Not great. Nemuri's looking after him but it's a pretty serious burn." Oboro replied. "To be honest, I'm concerned he won't be able to last long in a game with an injury like that."

Hizashi nodded solemnly and started to cry.

"I'm sorry..." he said. "If I had figured out the right room sooner then he wouldn't be like this! Then he'd at least have an actual chance! But we've only played one game and I've screwed one of my best friends over." Hizashi cried, wiping his tears as he talked.

"Hey, hey!" Oboro grabbed his shoulders and gave him a light shake. "Don't say stuff like that. You saved all of our asses in that live or die game! You figured out the pattern and kept us safe!"

"But I could've done better! I could've-"

Hizashi was shut up by Oboro slapping his face.

"Ah! Hey what the hell!"

"You're being ridiculous Hizashi and you know it. We don't have time to worry about what we could've done better in our last game. We need to get ready for our next one." Oboro said firmly.

Hizashi sniffed and nodded. "Y-yeah... you're right Oboro."

"Actually... that's why I came out here to talk to you."

Hizashi looked at him curiously.

"Let's join a game. Tonight. Just me and you."

"Are you seriously saying you want to go through that again so soon?!" Hizashi asked

"I've been thinking and it makes the most sense. I mean, how can we hope to protect Tensei if we've only played one game! Let's join another and get more experience!"

Hizashi was still unsure. Sure it made sense to join a game but Hizashi would rather enjoy living whilst he could.

"Also, it's easier to meet people at games. Perhaps we can find a doctor or something?" Oboro said.

Hizashi sighed and turned to him. "Alright. Fine. We'll join a game tonight."

Oboro smiled at him and went back inside. Hizashi stayed out, alone with his thoughts.

"Another game?" He thought. "What horrific experience were they about to throw themselves into?"


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