Bat-Pijama party

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It was late at night at the manor, the whole bat clan was still out, a meeting with the League seems to be the reason, but of course it was normal for them all to make little hours.
As the clock reached 3.15 am, in the cave situated in the underground, underneath the manor, a computer voice announced the return of our bat family in all their tired glory.
They went to the showers and changed out of their uniforms, after all they now were at home.
They stepped out of the cave and entered the manor, each member went to his room to try and get some rest before the day could start again, but unfortunately, nightmares were a thing, and apparently this specific night all the members of the house suffered from them.
Because of this, the members found eachother in the living room, some with some tea and others with coffee. As all of them became comfortable on the sofa, they started falling asleep slowly, finding comfort in eachother presence and warmth.

Beginning 26/5/2022
End 26/5/2022

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