3 | Safeguard

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"Protect those who protect you

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"Protect those who protect you." —Evangelos Venizelos

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ᴛʜᴇ ғᴇᴀʀ was unspeakable, feeling the four pair of gazes on her figure made her want to react in aggression.

Like a hunted rabbit Shinku was, she got the feeling that she was cornered by that former hashira.

They were talking with each other in a happy aura surrounding the both of them. Watching their human interactions for a moment made her stand out like the sore thumb.

The one who didn't belong in the group.

And she hated being different from them, how she wished that someday she'd be a human but that kind of dream is impossible for her to reach it.

The place where she watched them touched by sunlight were one of the things that made them human. The sun that blessed them for their safety, and the same sun that curse her to drive her away from looking forward to it.

They needed it to ward demons ,and demons hated the sun.

They run from it, she run away from it.

It seems that life hated her throughout her existence, her heart's filled with bitterness almost as if it's slowly poisoning her will to live, to survive the chaos of tomorrow.

To hate her own self. She was a monster.

What was she feeling? She couldn't understand it, the pain keeps on piling up inside of her as she bit her lower lips in a desperate attempt to control whatever grasp of emotions she held.


A small, soft voice pulls her attention away from the negative things. His yellow- brown eyes speaks of concern for her well-being, he looks as if he'd cry if ever he saw her in her pitiful state.

She wouldn't want that, she still has pride left.

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